Cardano User Says Ecossytem is “Better Than Ever”: Here’s Why


Adam Dean, a Cardano user, has highlighted some testnet issues in the upcoming Vasil hard fork, earlier. Now, Dean has revealed his most recent Vasil testing through a screenshot. He captioned the picture as “Building, together, stronger, better than ever.”

Earlier, Adam has pointed out critical issues with Vasil node 1.35.2 which started a debate within the community. Dean said developers seemed to be in rush with the Vasil upgrade, which resulted in technical issues. 

The IOG teams continued to work on v1.35.1 and 1.35.2 as a result of the bugs found after hard forking the Cardano testnet to Vasil functionality with the initial Vasil node 1.35.0.

The Vasil node 1.35.3 was the next release of the team. Charles Hoskinson, the creator of Cardano commenting on the release said it was “heavily tested” after previously asking SPOs to upgrade the node. Stake pool operators verified the news of “fix.”  

Andrew Westberg, a Cardano pool operator shared that the issues that were highlighted earlier in the v.135.3  are successfully fixed. It was also verified by other SPOs.

A Twitter user who go with the username “the Ancient Kraken” too approved of the Vasil node 1.35.3. The Ancient Kraken shared that he reproduced the bug that was in 1.35.2 properly. It was the same bug that caused problems for testnet on the SPO developer. The user also believes the 1.34.1 and 1.35.3 perform in the manner that is expected of them in smart contract usage. 

Verifying this, Adahandle “Conrad” founder tweeted that as per every tests conducted 1.35.3 is all set to go. Issues that occurred in  on 1.35.0, 1.35.1, and 1.35.2 cann’t be recreated.Meanwhile, the founder of Cardano confirmed to the concerned members of the community that the Vasil was not rushed since node 1.35.3 was tested properly.
