Cardalonia Schedules ISPO and IEO Following Flash Sale

The flash sale of Cardalonia has ended. It lasted for 50 days and registered the allocation of 75% within the 50 hours when it was live. Community members who participated in the flash sale of Cardalonia have begun staking their $LONIA token for a reward of up to 20% APY.

Participants are enjoying the benefit of joining the Land Sale whitelist. Approximately 11 million tokens have been staked as of the time of drafting this article. More such details are available in the Cardalonia review.

Another round of Initial Exchange Offering has been scheduled for users unable to participate in the recently concluded flash sale. The upcoming IEO round will begin on August 22, 2022, at 9 UTC and conclude on September 09, 2022, at 9 UTC with a total session supply of 5 million $LONIA token price, which has been set as 17 $LONIA tokens for $1.

Users with ETH, BTC, USDT, and BNB will be able to leverage their holdings with the following minimum buy amount:-

  • BTC = 0.0048
  • ETH = 0.06
  • BNB = 0.36
  • USDT = 117.64706

Cardalonia has also announced plans to start ISPO soon. The aim is to make the tokens more decentralized so that the holders of ADA can stake the $LONIA pool & earn rewards in terms of $LONIA, land NFTs, and other scarce Cardalonia metaverse assets.

An option to immediately stake the token is also available; however, users will have to delegate their stake to the Pool Ticker LONIA.

Cardalonia, one of the online crypto games, allows its players to explore and create their experiences in the virtual world. It is based on Cardano Blockchain with $LONIA as its native token. Players in the virtual world of Cardalonia can explore, create, and trade their holdings.

The team is led by Alice Sand, the Chief Executive Officer & Co-Founder of the venture. Alice Sand is backed by Vasil Air, the Chief Technical Officer, and Dunstan Water, the Fullstack Developer at Cardalonia.

Features of Cardalonia include being immersive and decentralized. The native token has in-game utilities that allow players to purchase land and build or customize their respective avatars.

Other use-cases of the token are:

  • Leveraging $LONIA to access the Cardalonia platform and features like bonus, content, unique activities, and much more.
  • Participate in governance voting to decide the future of the platform through administration.
  • Earn up to 25% APY by staking the token.
  • Spend $LONIA to buy a piece of land.

The team behind Cardalonia has set a roadmap for the game, with market expansion being a priority. Moreover, the team will include more mechanics and other crypto games on the platform. 

Participants in the game are assigned a particular clan with different resource benefits. For instance, Gold denotes a valuable source for royalty, while Silver is mostly for Lords & Knights.
