‘Beef’ Dethroned In Netflix’s Top 10 List By A New Show

Beef had a good run, but there is just no stopping the reality show freight train that is Love is Blind. Beef has now lost its #1 spot in Netflix’s top 10 list to the next batch of episodes of Love is Blind, effectively the “finale” given it’s when all the weddings take place, and everyone wants to see who says yes or no.

While Netflix has shotgun blasted a number of reality TV series at the wall the last few years, realizing what most channels realized ages ago that they are cheap to make and highly watched, Love is Blind may be the most successful among them where “contestants” propose to one another before ever seeing the other person, then have about a month to meet and get married. Or not. I’ve remarked that Love is Blind weekly chatter has replaced Bachelor/Bachelorette chatter among my wife and her friends, which I’m guessing is what Netflix was hoping for.

There is one more reunion special to come this Sunday which will be live, a rarity on Netflix, so I would expect the show to remain #1 through the weekend as a result. As for Beef, I’m impressed it made it to #1 in the first place as it seemed like a show that may have unfortunately have gotten ignored. But word of mouth traveled fast, and many are claiming it may actually be the best show of 2023 so far. That may change the further we get into Succession season 4 here, but it really is stellar.

It’s still a little nebulous whether Beef is competing for a second season. The creator has said he’d be open to it, but it would work like an anthology with totally new characters, meaning we’d lose crown jewels Ali Wong and Steven Yeun. But sure, I’m down for it.

The rest of the list has The Night Agent, Netflix’s biggest new show, still at #3, with season 2 having been greenlit long ago. It’s creeping up the Netflix all-time list, I believe, and we’ll see where it stands after a month. New shows Florida Man and Obsession are rising, and I will be honest, I quite literally know nothing about either. Transatlantic is slipping, now at #10, and given that I never saw it above #4, I’m not sure how well that bodes for a potential second season.

For now, I will continue to highly, highly recommend Beef to anyone who will listen. As for Love is Blind, well, I’ve seen worse reality shows, I guess.

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Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2023/04/15/beef-dethroned-in-netflixs-top-10-list-by-a-new-show/