Aragon Association announces dissolution amidst growing concerns over transparency and governance

In a move that has taken the cryptocurrency community by surprise, the Swiss non-profit Aragon Association has declared its intent to dissolve itself. The organization, which is the legal steward of the Aragon project, has made this decision in the wake of mounting dissatisfaction and concerns from the Aragon DAO members over the governance and transparency of its ETH treasury.

A bold move to redeem ANT tokens

The Aragon Association holds  ETH, equivalent to approximately $155 million at present valuations. The organization has decided to liquidate this treasury to offer liquidity for the redemption of its native token, ANT. According to a recent statement released on Thursday, the association will allow users to redeem each of their ANT tokens.

The decision comes with a finite window of opportunity: users will have until November 2, 2024, to carry out the token swap. In an unprecedented decision, after the redemption process, all remaining ANT tokens will be permanently burned. The association’s justification for this move is straightforward – with the dissolution of the association, there remains no practical purpose for the ANT token.

In the association’s own words: “The AA arrived at the best redemption rate it could achieve for all ANT holders by identifying the most compliant and tax-efficient path forward allowing for the continuation and protection of the project.” They further clarified that the decision to move forward with this redemption rate was not put up for a public vote, primarily due to legal complications. These complications arose from potential regulatory risks, especially those associated with token speculation and market manipulation.

Aragon financial details and projected future steps

In addition to the aforementioned redemption process, the Aragon Association has earmarked $11 million from its funds to cater to the expenses related to its dissolution. This allocation is also aimed at hedging against potential regulatory challenges and uncertainties that may arise in the future. If any funds remain unutilized after the association’s dissolution, they are slated to be channeled toward funding a “new product-focused structure.”

Months of growing dissatisfaction

The decision to dissolve hasn’t come out of the blue. Over the past months, there was a palpable air of dissatisfaction among Aragon DAO members. Many considered taking legal actions against the Aragon Association, primarily because of disagreements about the ETH treasury and concerns regarding the association’s commitment to transparency.

It’s worth noting that the Aragon Association had previously committed to placing the ETH treasury under the purview of a voting DAO by November 2022. However, they fell short of this promise, adding fuel to the fire of discontent among the members.

For those unfamiliar with the Aragon project, it’s a platform designed to facilitate the development and management of decentralized autonomous organizations, commonly known as DAOs. The Aragon Association, until now, served as its legal steward.


The decision by the Aragon Association to dissolve itself and offer a redemption mechanism for ANT tokens represents a significant event in the cryptocurrency and decentralized governance space. While the future remains uncertain, it will be interesting to see how the ramifications of this decision pan out in the coming months and years.
