An Attractive Investment Opportunity? – Cryptopolitan

Tokenized bonds are an emerging financial instrument that leverages blockchain technology to offer investors a new way to invest in fixed-income securities. Unlike traditional bonds, tokenized bonds are represented as digital tokens on a blockchain network, which provides several benefits, including increased transparency, accessibility, and liquidity.

One such tokenized bond is the EURt7, which was recently issued by LCX AG, a Liechtenstein-based company. The EURt7 tokenized bond offers investors a fixed coupon rate of 7% per annum with a maturity of 7 years. The bond is denominated in Euros and the issuance amount is 10 million Euros.

But how does the EURt7 tokenized bond actually work? In this Cryptopolitan guide, we will provide a comprehensive overview of tokenized bonds and their benefits, as well as provide a detailed description of the EURt7 tokenized bond. 

We will explain how the bond is structured, how investors can purchase and trade the tokens, and what makes it unique compared to traditional fixed-income securities. By the end of this article, readers should clearly understand how the EURt7 tokenized bond works and what makes it an attractive investment opportunity.

Features of EURt7 tokenized bond

The EURt7 tokenized bond is an exciting new financial instrument that is structured as a fixed-income, corporate bond. It offers investors a unique way to invest in bonds, providing several benefits over traditional bonds, such as increased transparency, accessibility, and liquidity. 

Denomination and issuance amount

The EURt7 tokenized bond is denominated in Euros, making it an attractive investment opportunity for investors in the Eurozone. The issuance amount of the bond is 10 million Euros, which offers investors the opportunity to invest in a relatively large-scale bond.

Maturity and coupon rate:

The EURt7 tokenized bond has a maturity of 7 years, so investors who purchase the bond will receive their principal investment back at the end of the 7-year term. The bond offers a fixed coupon rate of 7% per annum, which provides investors with a stable and predictable return on their investment.

Investment strategy and use of funds

The funds raised through issuing the EURt7 tokenized bond will be invested for liquidity growth at LCX Exchange and for general operational development at LCX. 

LCX Exchange is a blockchain-based trading platform that offers investors access to a wide range of cryptocurrencies and other digital assets. By investing the funds raised from the bond in liquidity growth at LCX Exchange, LCX AG aims to further develop the platform and improve its overall liquidity.

In addition, the funds raised from the bond will be used for general operational development at LCX. This will include investments in research and development, marketing and business development, and other initiatives aimed at expanding the company’s reach and enhancing its overall value proposition.

How EURt7 tokenized bond works

The EURt7 tokenized bond is an exciting new financial instrument that leverages blockchain technology to offer investors a new way to invest in bonds. It is issued by LCX AG, a company based in Liechtenstein, and is the first tokenized bond in the cryptocurrency industry to gain regulatory approval in Liechtenstein.

LCX tokenized bonds

LCX AG has been at the forefront of tokenized bonds, having previously issued tokenized bonds for other companies, such as Fracht AG and Bangchak Corporation. These bonds are structured as fixed-income corporate bonds, offering investors a predictable return on their investment.

How the bonds work

The EURt7 tokenized bond is represented as a digital token on a blockchain network, making it more accessible and transparent than traditional bonds. Essentially, the bonds are digitized and stored on a blockchain, allowing for easy tracking, settlement, and transfer.

Investors can purchase EURt7 tokens, which represent ownership of the bond, using cryptocurrency or fiat currency. The minimum investment requirement for the EURt7 tokenized bond is EUR 1,000. Once an investor owns the tokens, they receive a fixed coupon rate of 7% per annum.

At the end of the 7-year term, investors will receive their principal investment back. 

What makes the bond unique

The EURt7 tokenized bond is unique compared to traditional fixed-income securities because it offers investors greater transparency, accessibility, and liquidity.

Using blockchain technology ensures that all transactions are recorded on a public ledger, providing investors with greater visibility into the bond’s performance. The tokenization of the bond also makes it more accessible, as investors can purchase the tokens in smaller denominations and trade them in a secondary market. This provides investors with greater flexibility and liquidity, which is not always possible with traditional bonds.

Benefits of EURt7 tokenized bond

Tokenized bonds vs. traditional bonds

Tokenized bonds offer several advantages over traditional bonds, including greater accessibility, liquidity, and transparency. 

Since tokenized bonds are represented as digital tokens on a blockchain network, investors can purchase smaller denominations and trade them in a secondary market. This provides investors with greater flexibility and liquidity, which is not always possible with traditional bonds. Blockchain technology also ensures that all transactions are recorded on a public ledger, providing investors with greater visibility of the bond’s performance.

Benefits of Investing in EURt7 Tokenized Bond

Investing in the EURt7 tokenized bond offers several benefits:

  1. Accessible to retail investors in a wide range of countries within the European Economic Area (EEA). 
  2. The bond has a fixed coupon rate of 7% per annum, providing investors with a predictable return on their investment. 
  3. The bond is denominated in Euros, making it an attractive investment opportunity for investors in the Eurozone. 
  4. The bond has a maturity of 7 years, providing investors with a long-term investment opportunity.
  5.  The EURt7 bond is regulated and compliant, providing investors with increased security and transparency.
  6. Increased liquidity, which allows investors to buy and sell their holdings more easily and quickly 
  7. The use of blockchain technology provides an immutable record of transactions and increased accessibility to investment opportunities, regardless of geographic location or financial institution 

Transparency and Accessibility

Using blockchain technology and tokenization provides transparency and accessibility to the EURt7 tokenized bond. All transactions are recorded on a public ledger, providing investors with greater visibility into the bond’s performance. 

The tokenization of the bond makes it more accessible, as investors can purchase smaller denominations and trade them in a secondary market. This provides investors with greater flexibility and liquidity, which is not always possible with traditional bonds.

Factors to consider before investing in a tokenized bond

As with any investment, there are several factors that should be considered before committing capital to a tokenized bond. These factors include:

  1. The issuer of the tokenized bond. As with traditional bonds, the issuer’s creditworthiness is a critical factor in determining the risk of the investment. Tokenized bonds are often issued by startups or early-stage companies that may not have a long track record of financial stability. It is important to research the issuer’s financials and business model and to assess their ability to make timely coupon payments and repay the principal upon maturity.
  1. The underlying asset that the tokenized bond is backed by. Tokenized bonds can be backed by a variety of assets, such as real estate, commodities, or revenue from a specific project. It is important to understand the asset that backs the bond and to assess its value and potential for appreciation or depreciation. Investors should also consider the liquidity of the underlying asset, as this can impact the marketability of the tokenized bond.
  1. The tokenization platform the bond is issued on. The tokenization platform creates and manages digital tokens that represent ownership of the bond. Investors should assess the security and reliability of the tokenization platform, and ensure that it complies with relevant regulatory requirements. It is also important to consider the fees associated with the tokenization platform, as these can impact the overall returns on the investment.
  1. The market demand for the tokenized bond. While tokenized bonds are a relatively new investment class, there are a growing number of investors who are interested in investing in them. However, market demand can vary depending on the specific asset that backs the bond, as well as broader market conditions. It is important to assess the market demand for the tokenized bond and to ensure that there is sufficient liquidity to exit the investment if necessary.

How to invest in EURt7 tokenized bond

Investing in the EURt7 tokenized bond offers investors a unique way to invest in fixed-income securities. 

Explanation of Initial Token Offering (ITO)

An initial token offering (ITO) is a process similar to an initial public offering (IPO), where investors can purchase tokens in a new digital asset, such as the EURt7 tokenized bond. The ITO is conducted by LCX AG, the issuer of the bond, and typically lasts for a limited period. 

During the ITO, investors purchase tokens in the bond, which are then represented as digital tokens on a blockchain network. With the EURt7 tokenized bond, the ITO has already been completed, and the bond is now available for purchase on the secondary market.

Secondary market trading of tokens:

Investors can trade their tokens in a secondary market, providing greater liquidity and flexibility. The tokens can be traded on allowed cryptocurrency exchanges or other digital asset trading platforms. 

Investors can buy and sell tokens based on the prevailing market price, providing an opportunity for capital appreciation or liquidity. Trading on a secondary market also allows investors to exit their investments before the maturity of the bond, providing greater flexibility.

To purchase tokens, investors typically need to create an account with the exchange or register on the LCX website. Once registered, investors can purchase tokens using Euros or other cryptocurrencies, depending on the exchange.

Regulation and oversight of EURt7 tokenized bond

The EURt7 tokenized bond is a regulated investment product that has been approved by the Liechtenstein regulator. The regulatory approval process involves an evaluation of the investment product to ensure that it complies with legal requirements and is suitable for investors. 

LCX AG, the issuer of the EURt7 tokenized bond, has ensured compliance and transparency in the issuance process, ensuring that investors are well-informed about the investment product’s features, risks, and benefits. 

LCX AG has also implemented measures to protect investors’ interests, including safeguarding their funds and ensuring that the investment product is marketed to investors in a fair and transparent manner.

Future of tokenized bonds and EURt7 tokenized bond

Tokenized bonds are an emerging financial instrument that uses blockchain technology to securitize assets and offer investors unique benefits, such as increased liquidity, faster settlement times, and lower costs. The potential for growth in the tokenized bond market is significant, with estimates suggesting it could be worth over $2.6 trillion by 2025.

The EURt7 tokenized bond is an example of the potential for tokenized bonds to revolutionize the traditional fixed-income securities market. It offers investors a regulated, compliant, and transparent investment opportunity with a fixed coupon of 7% per annum, and has been approved by the regulatory authority in Liechtenstein, enabling its issuance and trading in 30 countries in the European Economic Area.

The growth and expansion of the tokenized bond market have implications for traditional fixed-income securities as well. With the potential for increased liquidity and lower costs, traditional fixed-income securities may struggle to compete with tokenized bonds and may need to adapt to remain relevant in a rapidly changing financial landscape. 

It will be interesting to see how the tokenized bond market evolves in the coming years, and what impact it will have on traditional fixed-income securities.


The EURt7 tokenized bond is a regulated, compliant, and transparent investment product with a fixed coupon of 7% per annum. It offers investors the potential for capital appreciation or liquidity through secondary market trading on exchanges or other digital asset trading platforms. The regulatory approval process ensures that the investment product meets legal requirements and complies with investor protection measures. The potential for growth in the tokenized bond market is significant, and it could have implications for traditional fixed-income securities as well. It will be interesting to see how this market develops in the coming years.
