Amazon To Dispatch Packages Faster And Cheaper

Amazon has studied its own logistic network and will be able to deliver packages to customers faster and more profitably.

The company’s overhaul of the delivery system has cut delivery time, transformed inventory management and changed the search results customers see on its e-commerce website. According to The Wall Street Journal the move appears to be improving the company’s bottom line.

During the pandemic, Amazon added warehouses, trucks and staff at a rapid rate to keep pace with growing demand of quick delivery. In that two—year period Amazon almost doubled its warehouse space. Amazon operates now about 1,000 facilities throughout the United States.

Now, Amazon it trying to reduce spending by cutting back on some excesses. One of the reasons is the slowing growth across several of their businesses, including its North America unit that includes e-commerce sales. Revamping the delivery network became a priority after the rapid expansion.

Udi Madan, Amazon’s vice president of transportation, is quoted “When we offer faster speeds, customers are more likely to buy something. They come back more often to shop with us.” Truer words have not been spoken. I needed a toner for my computer thus morning, and it will be delivered tomorrow by Amazon.

Pre-pandemic the company had a much sparser network. Now, after doubling the footprint, the company divided North America into eight regions to be closer to customers. Now, much of the merchandise is sent to costumers from a nearby warehouse.

Mr. Madan said the effort is starting to pay dividends. The company has seen a 15% reduction in the distance items travel from fulfillment centers to customers, and more than 12% decrease in how often a package is handled. This results in costs rising by a mere 2% in the first quarter of this year compared to 14% a year ago.

Vendors had to spread inventory over more warehouses as Amazon has increased its infrastructure. There are now same day centers which are expanding. There could be as many as 150 such centers in the near future. Mr. Madan, the Amazon executive, said that customer use of same day delivery increased by 50% year-over-year during the first quarter 2023 to nearly 26 million customers.

Amazon’s CFO
Brian Olsavsky in the first quarter earnings call with investors said that the company has been able to stabilize its operation and that it has better balanced warehouse capacity and demand for products.

POSTSCRIPT: It is exciting to see Amazon develop sophisticated systems for their delivery of merchandise. Both direct purchases from Amazon and vendors selling through the Amazon pipeline are affected and will benefit from the advanced methods. The pandemic forced the company to adopt a regional approach of caring for their customers.
