ABB Enhances Educational Robotics Portfolio with IRB 1090, Empowering Future Workforce

In a significant move to revolutionize educational robotics and empower the future workforce, ABB, a global leader in industrial automation and robotics, has introduced the IRB 1090, an innovative educational robot. Authenticated by the prestigious education institute, the IRB 1090 is set to play a pivotal role in ABB’s broader education initiatives, offering a range of cutting-edge features and capabilities to students and educational institutions worldwide. This groundbreaking addition underscores ABB’s commitment to addressing the evolving landscape of education and employment in the era of automation.

Expanding educational horizons with the IRB 1090 educational robot

The IRB 1090, the latest addition to ABB’s educational robotics portfolio, marks a significant advancement in the field of STEM education. Designed with precision and authenticity, this education robot boasts a 10% reduction in footprint and a remarkable 20% reduction in weight compared to its predecessor. This enhancement not only facilitates ease of movement within educational facilities but also emphasizes ABB’s dedication to practicality and accessibility.

When paired with ABB’s OmniCore E10 ultra-slim controller, the IRB 1090 becomes a versatile tool for students to delve into the intricacies of contemporary robotics. This dynamic duo introduces students to a wide range of functionalities, including motion control, TrueMove, QuickMove, Externally Guided Motion, and energy-saving power grid feedback systems. Such exposure equips students with essential skills in the latest robotic advancements, laying the foundation for their future careers.

Diverse applications across sectors

One of the distinctive features of the IRB 1090 is its adaptability across various sectors and applications. Educational institutions, robot resellers, and system integrators can harness its potential to create and customize diverse application cells, such as assembly, material handling, arc welding, and dispensing. To meet specific requirements, additional accessories like vision cameras, grippers, working pieces, pedestals, and moveable carts can be incorporated, offering a holistic learning experience.

To foster a comprehensive understanding of robot programming, ABB includes 100 free RobotStudio premium licenses with the purchase of the IRB 1090 robot. RobotStudio serves as a virtual tool that empowers students to grasp the fundamentals of robot programming even before they acquire a physical robot. This not only enhances accessibility but also accelerates the learning curve for students interested in the field of robotics.

ABB’s global commitment to education

With a presence in over 40 countries, ABB collaborates with educational institutions worldwide, helping students gain essential insights into robot programming. Annually, over 30,000 students from schools, colleges, and universities benefit from ABB’s educational programs. ABB’s steadfast commitment to nurturing the next generation of automation experts underscores its pivotal role in shaping the future of industrial robotics education.

In a recent development, ABB announced its plans to invest $280 million in constructing a state-of-the-art robotics campus in Västerås, Sweden. This new facility will serve as the epicenter for ABB Robotics’ operations in Europe, exemplifying the company’s dedication to expanding its global leadership in the field. The campus will further bolster ABB’s initiatives in bridging the education-industry gap, ensuring that students and professionals have access to cutting-edge resources and expertise.

ABB’s introduction of the IRB 1090 educational robot represents a significant stride towards equipping the future workforce with the skills required in an increasingly automated world. With a focus on practicality, versatility, and accessibility, ABB is not only empowering students but also shaping the future of industrial robotics education. As ABB continues to invest in education and innovation, its impact on the global robotics landscape remains undeniable.
