A Risky $3.3 Billion Bet on the Fall of Tesla and Elon Musk

Elon Musk does not like investors and financiers to bet on Tesla’s stock-market collapse.  

Last May, the richest man in the world attacked Bill Gates, who formerly was the richest man in the world, because the Microsoft  (MSFT)  co-founder had a short position of $500 million against Tesla  (TSLA) . Selling stock short is a bet that the price will drop.

“Sorry, but I cannot take your philanthropy on climate change seriously when you have a massive short position against Tesla the company doing the most to solve climate change,” Musk recently wrote to Gates. It was the end of a discussion the two billionaires were having about working together for common causes.

Source: https://www.thestreet.com/technology/a-financier-makes-multibillion-dollar-bet-against-tesla-and-musk?puc=yahoo&cm_ven=YAHOO&yptr=yahoo