A Gaming Multiverse With Limitless Opportunities

Pratik Chadhokar
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Introduction to Alien Worlds

The metaverse is a virtual landscape that knows no bounds. Heralded as the next phase of the internet, it is a vast digital playground in which users can explore, transact, and interact without permission. As with the first phase of the internet, investors are seeking to maximize their time in the metaverse and take advantage of opportunities therein.

Alien Worlds is an ingeniously-built Web3 gaming platform. A community-based ecosystem with over 400,000 unique monthly wallets, its most solicited smart contract action (mining) gets called up to 13 million times per day, with players having generated over 370 million lifetime transactions.

Moreover, it’s a multi-chain solution that is compatible with Ethereum, WAX, and BNB Chain. With its cutting-edge technology and a huge committed user base, Alien Worlds currently holds the top spot in DappRadar’s blockchain gaming rankings. Given that players have a proactive role in driving the game forward, the sci-fi metaverse also has encouraging prospects for growth. 

Understanding Alien Worlds

Alien Worlds features unique gameplay mechanics. As well as being able to mine the native Trilium (TLM) token, players can also collect NFT points and redeem them for real NFTs such as mining tools, minions, and weapons. Many of these NFTs can be used in a variety of community-created games like Battledome, a game that was produced with the help of grants from Alien Worlds’ Galactic Hubs Grant Program.

DAO governance is a major part of Alien Worlds, with players wielding considerable authority through participation in six Planetary Syndicates. Weekly Custodian elections determine which players govern the Syndicate and gain responsibility over managing its TLM treasury, organizing community events, building and playing  mini-games, and generally working to advance the planet’s aims.

Alien Worlds’ choice of scalable blockchains ensures a great user experience for players. For example, WAX’s 0.5 second block time and 8,000 transactions/second means Explorers, as players are known, can take advantage of everything the game has to offer. Interestingly, Alien Worlds was the first major blockchain game to launch on three different chains (Ethereum, WAX, and BNB Chain) with a decentralized token teleport feature.

The Evolution of Alien Worlds

As mentioned, DappRadar has consistently ranked Alien Worlds as the number one on-chain game. To stay ahead of the competition, the developers and its empowered community members continue to expand the ecosystem and set the stage for innovation through new projects and features. Recently a mining leaderboard was unveiled, enabling users to keep track of successful players and effective mining rigs. The tool’s features include filters that sort data on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. 

There are also multiple datasets to analyze the data, including:

  • Unique Tools Used
  • Planets Mined On
  • Lands MIned On
  • Average NFT Power
  • Average Mining Power
  • Average Charge Time
  • Total NFT Points
  • Trilium Mined

Advantages of Playing Alien Worlds in 2023

With its unique Syndicate governance model, Alien Worlds greatly improves the metaverse gaming experience, giving players more creative control and freedom. Gamers appreciate not only electing, but also the ability to campaign to be Custodians, while a continuous stream of proposals ensures constant activity on all six planets.

The immersive sci-fi theme, broad blockchain support, and community-driven model make Alien Worlds a popular choice for O.G. crypto gamers as well as those looking to dip their toes into the metaverse. Interestingly, much of the innovation at the heart of the game is funded by the aforementioned Galactic Hubs, a Grant Program that supports creators and funds development of diverse games and community projects in the Alien Worlds ecosystem.

Final Verdict

Powered by the contributions of its vibrant decentralized community, Alien Worlds is a genuine trailblazer of the Web3 gaming space. Rather than resting on its laurels, it has undergone continuous upgrades and refinements to satisfy its growing player base while its Syndicates have proven hugely popular since their introduction in 2022.

Its emphasis on community engagement, smooth UX, and rich sci-fi lore, plus a generous grants program, makes Alien Worlds a great choice for strategy gamers, NFT collectors, and metaverse enthusiasts alike.

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Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2023/09/02/alien-worlds-a-gaming-multiverse-with-limitless-opportunities/