A Evolving Hub of Never-Ending Missions

You’ve Heard about a city that provides residence to citizens, but you’ve never heard about a city for gamers. Starfield is a virtual city established for gamers based in New Atlantis that hosts dozens of significant campaigns and offers a rich tapestry of side missions.  

What is New Atlantis Starfield? 

New Atlantis not only acts as a scenic backdrop but also as the center for most in-game activities. The players can travel within the city, and players can buy fast travel points, which will ultimately save them valuable time. 

Starfield offers various characteristics of optional Side Missions that can be achieved to 

dig new questlines, earn some extra credits, or develop a connection with your desired Faction. 

Starfield has more missions than the blackest sea, so it can be difficult to distinguish which missions best fit your existing playthrough. Starfield has 19 primary story missions, and 38 missions can be tackled for all the major factions in Starfield. 

Inside the city is a massive park with greenery; these crucial developments will likely gather significant attention from gamers globally. New Atlantis still has its USP, which allows a first place to meet crewmates. 

However, Startfiled’s New Atlantis is an attractive city in the gaming industry. Still, dozens of other companies have also developed and are using a similar concept better. 

Jemison Store in New Atlantic  

Jemison Mercantile is a store in the spaceport where you can purchase ship parts in Starfield and Digipicks in Starfield quickly, and if you are planning to sell your old legal weapons, it offers a reasonable price. It has sufficient cash to facilitate its users. 

Players can find exciting side quests in these games within a reasonable distance of the city. Nearly all the quests are fetched, tasking the player to find something or someone for the quest giver. 

The available data states that New Atlantis is a striking city based on the planet Jemison in the Alpha Centauri System, divided into distinct districts. Following the victory in the game, a small step of the game’s tutorial will be broadcast, and upon arriving in the city with Vasco, players gain access to these side missions. 

Freestar Collective Side Mission 

The Freestar Rangers are the arbiters of justice in the Freestar collective settlement. Once seeking to evolve into a Ranger, they will be assigned to maintaining the peace and discovering deathly locations. 

There are eight missions under Freestar, which are the following: Job Gone Wrong (Location- Outside GalBank in Akila City), Deputized ( The Rock in Akila City), Where Hope is Built (The Rock in Akila City), Shadows in Neon (HopeTech Factory on Polvo), Surgical Strike (The Rock in Akila City), On the Run (The Rock in Akila City), First to Fight, First to Die (The Rock in Akila City) and The Hammer Falls (Arcturus II).    

These side missions offer players miscellaneous knowledge, from investigative work and tactfulness to exploration and combat. However, New Atlantis in Starfield is more than just a backdrop. 

Maps Available 

A wide variety of locations and maps are available, and some of them are Galaxy Map, New Atlantis Map, Akila City Map, Cydonia Map, Neon Map, Red Mile Map, The Key Map, Paradiso Map, Gagarin Landing Map, New Homestead Map, Hopetown Map, and Waggoner Farm Map. 

Outposts in Starfield

The Outposts in Starfield authorize the gamer to set up an enduring base on a planet to mine resources, execute manufacturing processes, develop hydroponics stats, or store the gamer’s collection of wooden ducks. 

To establish an outpost, the gamer has to utilize his scanner while on a planet and develop an Outpost Beacon by prompting H on the keyboard or X on the controller. Available data states that in the initial phase, a gamer can have up to 8 outposts at once, but the number can be raised by investing points in the Planetary Habitation skill tree.    

Following the beacon placement, the gamer will enter the Build Mode, which can be switched hassle-free from Build Mode to Modify Mode. While using the Build Mode, a gamer can construct a range of structures within the boundaries of the beacon.   

Modify Mode offers the feature of deleting the objects and replacing or moving the object, the deletion of objects repaying their resource cost as a whole. In the Clear Mode, one can map out an area to remove the obstructions, permitting them to develop voluntarily without any barrier. 


In the gaming industry, there is cutthroat competition between the gaming companies to develop more advanced infrastructure and services for the users because the gaming industry is worth thousands of billions of dollars.  

However, Starfield consistently has more missions than the blackest sea, so it can be difficult to distinguish which missions best fit your existing playthrough. Starfield has 19 primary story missions, and 38 missions can be tackled for all the major factions in Starfield. 

It is assumed that in the company year, the gaming industry will flourish at an impressive pace, and many more updates are expected to come in the coming years. 

Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2024/02/12/new-atlantis-starfield-a-evolving-hub-of-never-ending-missions/