5 Best Platforms For Yield Farming In DeFi

Yield farming is a way that investors and users can earn cryptocurrencies. In this article we will be providing five best platforms where users can stake their crypto assets and later earn cryptocurrencies in return.

Yield Farming

Yield farming is another way that investors in cryptocurrencies make money. In yield farming, individuals deposit their crypto assets and later earn rewards when their assets increase in value. Yield farming is practically staking your liquidity or supplying your liquidity to other individuals in DeFi and later making a profit. 

We notice newbies in Decentralized Finance find it difficult for them to find improved and better yield farming to start their cryptocurrency careers. Finding the best yield farming platform can be tricky when trying to start yield farming. Cryptocurrencies are volatile and thus risky, but with the best yield farming platform, individuals can reduce this risk and maximize their profits. 

If you have been looking for articles that can help you find the best platform, then you have reached your destination. In this article, we will provide you with extensive information on the best platforms to start your lucrative career in cryptocurrency. This platform will help you grow your investment in cryptocurrency and earn huge profits.

Yield Farming Platforms

So you have your investment money with you, right? Now let’s find the best platform. In this article, I’ll be providing the five best platforms on which you can start your yield farming.

Pancake Swap

This is one of the best Decentralized Exchanges that a beginner can start with. Pancake allows individuals to earn from staking, pooling liquidity, and trading. Pancake runs on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) rather than Ethereum. This comes with a reduction in transaction costs. 

Pancake is a decentralized financial platform, so users need two tokens. These two tokens are; when providing liquidity and received when receiving liquidity. Pancake Swap allows you to earn CAKES, which permits individuals to earn Cakes while still having a position pool. The top tier CAKES in BSC are CAKE\BNB and CAKE\BUSD. These two CAKEs generate yields of about 29% and 35%, respectively.

Pancake swap is used by many since it gives higher yields. Individuals can earn in two ways, firstly, through staking. Pancake Swap allows investors to stake their tokens and later earn farm rewards. Secondly, they earn rewards by providing liquidity. The LPs earn this reward the moment transactions are conducted in their pool. 


Another platform where individuals can make profits from cryptocurrencies is through eToro. e-Toro is a platform that allows its users to stake their cryptocurrencies and later earn income. One does not need vast knowledge of how you will be rewarded, this calculation is automatically conducted by e-Toro. Individuals are required to deposit their assets and wait for a grace period.  

eToro supports several coins, including Ethereum, Tron, and Cardano. For instance, if an individual decides to stake Tron or Cardano in the wallet, his/her reward will automatically be sent to his account after a grace period of approximately seven days. 

For investors who do not have digital assets, eToro is still the best place to start their investment. The wallet accepts fiat money; can you believe this? You can use your debit card or bank to deposit your investment, which comes with a low fee of up to 0.6%. 


This is another decentralized finance wallet that allows users to yield massive income. Introduced in 2018, it has become one of the best platforms. It’s one of the best platforms since it gives investors an option on which token they can trade with since it supports all forms of ERC–20 tokens, which are provided in the farm whether it’s yielding or trading. 

The most traded pair in Uniswap is USDC\ETH and DAI\USDC. It is believed that this pool contains a total value of $500 million in combined TVL (total value locked). Individuals earn their incomes in the pool by providing liquidity. For example, if an individual decides to provide ETH and USDC into a pool, Uniswap can do exchanges of these tokens when, for instance, a trader needs a certain token in his trading. When the exchange is conducted, the provider earns what we call passive income. Passive income is the reward that PLs earn from a pool through transactions.


This is another decentralized finance platform that is among the best that investors can jump into if they want to yield massively. Sushiswap, first of all, is easily acquired due to its decentralized nature. Investors do not need to disclose their information; all they need to do is connect the platform with another wallet like Metamask. Sushiswap provides investors with several ways to earn, they can decide to trade, yield farm, or rather stake their crypto assets. 

Being built on the Ethereum blockchain, most of its tokens are paired with ETH. It has a variety of pools and a $600 million liquidity value. This is a good chance for investors to make profits through yield farming in Sushi Swap. 

Sushiswap provides the highest yield for farming cryptocurrencies; therefore, individuals should acknowledge that the risk is also higher and the volatility in crypto is massive.  


In AAVE, there are several ways investors can yield; for instance, AAVE enables users to chain external blockchain links and earn from the links. The blockchain links that are supported by AAVE are Ethereum, Atribitrum, Optimism, Polygon, and Avalanche. 

AAVE also permits investors to stake their assets and earn a reward; this reward depends on the pairs that its users have staked with. Additionally, AAVE allows its users to borrow loans. This loan does not have any requirements. For instance, you do not need to deposit crypto to qualify for the loans. 


Having this knowledge,  investors are in a position to know which platform they can use to carry out their trading. Cryptocurrency has high volatility, investors should first learn on how to carry out their trading before losing their money. 

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Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2023/09/10/5-best-platforms-for-yield-farming-in-defi/