Is There a New ETH Killer? Big Eyes is Set to Raise $11 Million

Launched in 2013, Ethereum (ETH) has been hot on Bitcoin’s tails for years, confidently and consistently ranking 2nd. However, since Ethereum’s conception, there have been several ‘Ethereum Killers’ – new coins with the potential to overtake this strong second-ranking coin. Cardano, Avalanche, and Polkadot have all been chasing Ethereum (ETH) but are yet to usurp the sturdy coin. 

Ready to shake things up, there’s a new coin on the scene blasting into the crypto-verse and set to skyrocket after its presale. There’s more information about this new coin here. Predicated to raise over $11M, we think Big Eyes (BIG) will be the next Ethereum killer, and here’s why… 

What Are Ethereum’s Weaknesses? 

Despite being one of the most used cryptocurrencies globally, Ethereum (ETH) is far from perfect. Ethereum’s gas fees are most notably problematic, which have proven increasingly frustrating for its users. As large amounts of energy are required to power the Ethereum network, users are charged transaction fees. These fees can fluctuate so dramatically that each minute they sometimes suddenly shoot up in price. Unsurprisingly these hugely fluctuating prices have driven users away from the platform in search of alternative coins with more reliable transaction prices (or none!).

Furthermore, there are scalability limitations with Ethereum (ETH). As more users join the exosystem, more transactions need to be verified, which can create a backlog, in turn slowing down transactions.

The rapidly fluctuating fees and potentially long transaction times drive people away from the platform in search of more reliable alternatives. As a result, ‘Ethereum Killers’ are stepping up to fill this role as more efficient, speedier, and smoother running coins. Big Eyes (BIG) is storming onto the scene with resolutions to Ethereum’s weaknesses, proving very exciting for crypto users. 

All About ‘Ethereum Killer’ Big Eyes 

Big Eyes is a meme coin centered on a cute crypto cat whose DeFi community is set to change the game. Move over dogs of Dogecoin and Shiba Inu, Big Eyes is the new cat on the block, ready to shake things up.

90% of Big Eyes’ 200,000,000,000 tokens will be available at launch, including a 5% charity wallet donating to Ocean Sanctuaries. It’s predicted to make $1.4M within the first 2 hours of launch, skyrocketing onto the scene. These statistics suggest that Big Eyes (BIG) will be a record-breaking coin.

Ethereum KillerBig Eyes doesn’t stop there. It has the incredible goal of raising $11M – huge figures for a new cryptocurrency. With no buy tax, no sell tax, and no fees whatsoever Big Eyes resolves the downfalls of Ethereum, confidently stepping into its shoes as a reliable and exciting alternative.

Moreover, the meme aspect of the coin, with its cute cat mascot, is appealing and enticing for new crypto enthusiasts. With an NFT Sushi Crew community building comradery, NFT sales, merchandise, and global fans, this coin could become as strong and stable as Bitcoin. Its Roadmap plans to include 50,000 holders and eventually donate $1M to charity. As a result, Big Eyes wants to make a huge community impact while smashing records and changing the crypto game.

Big Eyes

Keep your eyes as wide as Big Eyes (BIG) – this new coin promises to storm past Ethereum and skyrocket up the ranks. To find out more, follow this link!

Big Eyes (BIG)

