How to Stake Ethereum | Cryptopolitan

After Bitcoin, Ethereum is the second most popular cryptocurrency. Unlike Bitcoin, Ethereum is meant to be a medium of trade or store of wealth. Ethereum refers to itself as a decentralized computer network based on blockchain technology. Let’s look at what steps are crucial to stake Ethereum.

Ethereum, like all cryptocurrencies, is based on a blockchain network. A blockchain decentralized, distributed public ledger verifies and records all transactions.

Ethereum is distributed because everyone on the Ethereum network has an identical copy of the ledger, which allows them to observe all previous transactions. It’s decentralized because the web isn’t run or maintained by a single organization but instead by all of the distributed ledger owners.


Cryptography is used in blockchain transactions to keep the network safe and verify transactions. People use computers to “mine” or solve complex mathematical equations that confirm each trade on the web and add new blocks to the system’s blockchain. Participants are given cryptocurrency tokens as an incentive. These tokens are known as Ether in the Ethereum system (ETH).

Ether vs. Ethereum

Ether, like Bitcoin, may be used to buy and trade goods and services. Its price has also risen rapidly, making it a speculative investment. However, Ethereum is unique in that users may create apps that run on the blockchain in the same way that software runs on a computer. Personal data may be stored and transferred, and sophisticated financial transactions can be handled using these programs.

Data may be stored, and decentralized apps can be performed over the Ethereum network. People can host software on the Ethereum blockchain rather than on a server owned and operated by Google or Amazon, where only one company controls the data. Because there is no single authority regulating anything, consumers have complete control over their data and full access to the app.

Self-executing contracts, or so-called smart contracts, are perhaps among the most intriguing use cases for Ether and Ethereum. Two parties agree to supply products or services in the future, just as in any other contract. However, unlike traditional contracts, no attorneys are required.

What is Ethereum Staking?

The Ethereum network is increasingly overcrowded, causing transaction prices to increase, making many use cases prohibitively expensive. This is partly due to the success of DeFi programs, in which customers are ready to pay high transaction fees due to the tremendous financial value of the transactions. Because transaction fees finance existing apps running on the Ethereum blockchain rather than simply transactions, they are referred to as “gas” expenses in Ethereum. Due to high gas rates, non-financial DApps built on top of Ethereum find it challenging to run on Ethereum. To address these concerns, the Ethereum Foundation has been developing Ethereum 2.0 (Eth2), a network update that aims to improve the Ethereum network’s security, speed, efficiency, and scalability.

The security and scalability of the Ethereum network allow it to execute more transactions, eliminate bottlenecks, and support new use cases, especially outside of finance. A staking mechanism will replace Ethereum’s current mining procedure as part of this update. Staking is the process of actively engaging in transaction validation on a proof-of-stake (POS) blockchain (similar to mining). Anyone with the bare minimum of cryptocurrency may validate transactions and receive staking rewards on these blockchains.

Ethereum may be purchased on cryptocurrency exchanges such as Coinbase, Binance, and Kraken. However, in the context of financial transactions, Ethereum presently handles 15 transactions per second, which is rather sluggish. On the other hand, Proof-of-stake is intended to allow the Ethereum blockchain to execute 100,000 transactions per second, significantly increasing the number of projects and apps developed on it.

Mining to Staking

Proof-of-stake is a distributed consensus process used by blockchain networks to establish a consensus. Staking is a mechanism used by Proof-of-Work (PoW) blockchains to protect the network and create new blocks. Staking is the process of choosing validators to create a new block. The probability of a validator being picked to produce/validate a block is related to the number of coins in circulation. Consequently, anyone with a small number of coins may participate in staking and earn more coins in proportion to the quantity they stake. Users must stake their Ether (ETH), the Ethereum blockchain’s native coin, to become validators on the network.

How to Stake Ethereum 1

Validators, like miners in Proof-of-Work, are responsible for organizing transactions and building new blocks so that all nodes can agree on the status of the network. Validators, often known as “takers,” are in charge of processing transactions, storing data, and adding blocks to Ethereum’s new consensus architecture, the Beacon Chain. As a reward for their active involvement in the network, validators get interest on their staked coins, which are denominated in Ether. Users must deposit 32 ETH to become a validator on Ethereum. Validators are in charge of producing blocks at random and double-checking and verifying any blocks they don’t make.

Positive validator behavior is also rewarded with the user’s stake. For example, if a user goes offline (fails to validate), they may lose a percentage of their investment or lose their entire investment if they engage in deliberate collusion. Depending on the PoS system, users may also be able to delegate their stake to another user who can act as a validator on their behalf. This type of staking gives participants a passive income stream while also assisting in the security of Ethereum 2.0, the Ethereum network’s future iteration.

How does Ethereum Staking work?

Unlike proof-of-work or PoW-based blockchains, the PoS-powered blockchain bundles 32 blocks of transactions during each round of validation, which takes an average of 6.4 minutes. These sets of blocks are referred to as “epochs.” It is regarded irreversible when the blockchain adds two more epochs after it, i.e., an epoch is considered completed. The Beacon Chain separates stakers into 128 “committees” and allocates them to a shard block at random. Each committee is given a slot and time to propose a new block and verify the internal transactions. Staking is used to earn rewards.


Each epoch contains 32 slots, which means 32 committees must complete the validation procedure. After a committee is allocated to a block, one member is granted the exclusive authority to propose a new block of transactions at random. The remaining 127 members, on the other hand, vote on the plan and certify the transactions. The Beacon Chain takes status information from shards and sends it to nearby shards, ensuring that the network remains in sync. The Beacon Chain will be in charge of the validators, from registering their stake contributions to distributing rewards and penalties.


The practice of sharding divides the Ethereum network into many sections known as ‘shards.’ Each shard would have its state with its own set of account balances and smart contracts. Once a majority of the committee has certified it, the new block is put on the blockchain, and a “cross-link” is constructed to confirm its insertion. Only then does the staker who is picked to propose the new block earn their reward. Individual shard states are reconciled with the main chain during the cross-linking process, i.e., the Beacon Chain.

The final state of each shard must mirror the Beacon Chain through cross-linking.

A transaction is considered “finality” when it is part of a block that cannot be modified in a distributed network. To do this in proof-of-stake, Casper, a finality protocol, gets validators to agree on the state of a block at specific checkpoints.

If two-thirds of the validators agree, the block is completed; if validators try to reverse this later with a 51% assault, they will lose their whole stake.

How to stake Ethereum on Coinbase Wallet

It all boils down to how much you’re willing to risk. For example, you’ll need 32 ETH to activate your validator, although you can stake less.

Step 1: Register On Coinbase

If you don’t already have one, you’ll need to establish a Coinbase account using the Coinbase mobile app. It’s easy to sign up with Coinbase; all you have to do is input your name, email, and location, then make a strong password.

After creating an account, you’ll need to authenticate your identity for tax purposes. Your driver’s license, the last four digits of your Social Security number, and your date of birth are all documents you’ll need. You may buy any cryptocurrency supported on Coinbase’s exchange once you’ve been authenticated.

Step 2: Buy ETH

Staking Ethereum necessitates the acquisition of Ether tokens. Coinbase allows you to buy Ethereum tokens directly, making it simple to purchase and stake your Ethereum tokens all in one place. Ether tokens may be purchased in the same manner as equities, a market order, or a limit order. Limit orders only buy Ether tokens if the price reaches a specific price that you set when creating your limit order. Market orders buy Ether tokens at market price.

Step 3: Join Waitlist

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to stake Ethereum tokens right soon on Coinbase. Coinbase has developed a queue to place you in line to stake your Ethereum tokens due to the enormous demand. The waiting period varies, but the sooner you sign up, the sooner you may start earning interest on your Ethereum tokens. Kraken provides Ethereum staking with no waiting period if you wish to start staking immediately.

Step 4: Stake ETH

Because Coinbase maintains the validator nodes, all you have to do is stake any quantity of Ether tokens, and the exchange will take care of the rest. So you can sit back, relax, and watch your cryptocurrency portfolio earn staking rewards without doing anything once you’ve staked ETH tokens on the Eth 2.0 network.

Different ways to Stake Ethereum

These are the various ways to stake your Ethereum:

Solo Home Staking

The gold standard for staking is solo staking on Ethereum. It delivers full participation benefits, enhances network decentralization, and never needs you to entrust your cash to anybody else.

Those interested in solo staking should have at least 32 ETH and a dedicated computer connected to the internet 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Although some technical knowledge is beneficial, easy-to-use tools are available to assist and ease the process.

Staking ETH as a service

Staking-as-a-service solutions allow you to delegate the hard part while earning native block rewards if you don’t want or feel comfortable dealing with hardware but still want to stake your 32 ETH.

These alternatives will typically lead you to set up a set of validator credentials, submit your signing keys, and deposit your 32 ETH. This enables the service to validate your information on your behalf.

This form of staking necessitates a degree of faith in the supplier. The keys to withdrawing your ETH are normally maintained in your hands to reduce counterparty risk.

Pooled Staking

Several pooling alternatives are available to help users who do not have or do not feel comfortable staking 32 ETH.

Many of these alternatives include “liquid staking,” which entails using an ERC-20 liquidity token to represent the ETH.

The staking pool allows for quick and easy exits at any moment, making staking as simple as swapping tokens. Users can also keep their assets in their own Ethereum wallets.

The Ethereum network does not support pooled staking. These solutions are built by other parties, and they come with their own set of hazards.

Centralized Exchanges

If you are not yet comfortable keeping ETH in your wallet, several centralized exchanges provide staking services. They can be a fallback option for earning a return on your ETH assets with little supervision or effort.

The trade-off is that centralized providers pool significant amounts of ETH to run many validators. This is potentially hazardous to the network and its users since it provides a substantial concentrated target and point of failure, making the network more vulnerable to attack or flaws.

How to Stake Ethereum 2


What is staking?

On a proof-of-stake (PoS) blockchain, staking is the process of actively participating in transaction validation (similar to mining). Anyone with a minimum necessary coin balance can validate transactions and receive staking rewards on these blockchains.

What is Ethereum 2.0?

The Ethereum blockchain has been upgraded to Ethereum 2.0, often known as Eth2 or “Serenity.” The upgrade intends to improve the Ethereum network’s speed, efficiency, and scalability to handle more transactions and alleviate bottlenecks.

Can you stake Ethereum 2.0 on Coinbase?

Users may earn incentives by staking their ETH with Coinbase. On Coinbase, when you stake your ETH, it is converted to ETH2. The price of ETH2 is the same as the price of ETH. Both ETH and ETH2 will combine into one currency after the upgraded Ethereum network.
