Ethereum Tweets Reach All Time High – Trustnodes

Mentions of ethereum on Twitter have more than tippled recently, surpassing all time high while nearing bitcoin levels.

More than 137,000 tweets mentioned ethereum on Tuesday (pictured), up from 36,000 last week.

Bitcoin has seen a jump too, reaching 340,000 tweets, but last week it was at about 130,000 mentions.

That rise in popularity is not reflected on Google searches were NFTs have surpassed eth to see an all time high in January.

Ethereum instead is at about 20% of its all time high of May last year, with NFTs still attracting more worldwide searches.

Ethereum and NFT Google searches, March 2022
Ethereum and NFT Google searches, March 2022

This very different social trend data may well indicate that the public is moving on from ‘what is ethereum’ to ‘why ethereum.’

As a fairly new invention, the vast majority probably still do not know just what is an NFT, hence they’re asking Google.

While ethereum is far more familiar to the public, and thus we see less searches from people interested in knowing what it is.

Instead there’s a spike in tweeter mentions which indicates more people are following eth developments, and thus are spreading interest through word of mouth.

Whether this Twitter data correlates with price, and/or to what extent, is not clear.

That there has been a spike may well suggest there’s an increase in interest, and price has increased to just about $3,000.

It did so first, with those that bought then maybe talking about it. That may spread awareness and so it could have an effect, but for now the most this data might tell us is that the price rise is not a fakeout.

It’s not manipulation or one big whale as social interest has correspondingly spiked too.

There has thus been a change in sentiment, as the crowd is now more excited than it was about eth, presumably in anticipation of the merger among other recent developments.
