Cloudflare to Stake ETH – Trustnodes

Cloudflare, one of the biggest CDN and infrastructure provider for the web with a yearly revenue of $650 million, is going web3.

“Over the next few months, Cloudflare will launch, and fully stake, Ethereum validator nodes on the Cloudflare global network as the community approaches its transition from Proof of Work to Proof of Stake (PoS) with ‘The Merge,’” said Wesley Evans, who works on Web3 & Research at Cloudflare.

“Yep we are going to be staking using our own assets,” Evans further confirmed, making this one of the biggest and one of the first established company to stake eth.

They already run eth nodes, with Evans stating Cloudflare has “a lot of experience with Eth, and we want to help Eth which is the most popular smart contract ecosystem today, make the transition to PoS smoothly.”

They also run the ENS resolver and IPFS as well as eth gateways, in addition to proxying much of the web traffic.

“As recently as two years ago, web3 was an up-and-coming ecosystem with minimal traffic compared to the majority of the traffic on the Internet.

The last two years changed the web3 use landscape. Traffic to the Bitcoin and the Ethereum networks has exploded,” Cloudflare said.

