Buterin’s Wallet Transfers 400 ETH Valued at $600K to Coinbase

With the rapid expansion and innovation in the blockchain and cryptocurrency sector, transactions and movements of assets by industry leaders are often watched closely. One such recent activity has been observed from the wallet of Ethereum’s very own co-founder, Vitalik Buterin.

Major Transactions to Centralized Exchanges

Recent observations from blockchain experts have revealed a series of Ethereum (ETH) transactions from a wallet linked with Vitalik Buterin. The most attention-grabbing among these was a transfer of 400 ETH, estimated to be valued at approximately $632,000, directed towards Coinbase on September 25, 2023.

A Busy September for Buterin’s Wallet

Spot On Chain, a renowned blockchain analytics platform, detailed an array of transactions involving Buterin’s wallet throughout September 2023. The cumulative value of these transactions in the mentioned period is a staggering $3.9 million.

A breakdown of these activities includes:

  • Transfers totaling 321 ETH to Kraken between September 15th and 19th.
  • Multiple transactions on September 17th and 20th, accumulating 1,700 ETH, heading towards Bitstamp.
  • A deposit of 500 ETH to Paxos was noted on September 19th.

In addition to these, blockchain records also underline a significant transfer of 2,000 ETH (worth approximately $4.9 million) from a wallet long-recognized to be linked with Buterin.

A Closer Look at the Addresses

Spot On Chain further sheds light on the origin of the 2,000 ETH transaction. This significant movement came from an address (0xD04daa65144b97F147fbc9a9B45E741dF0A28fd7), which is more prominently associated with Buterin. This address then relayed the funds to an intermediary address (0x5567A4bE2D5b77F5Fd870f99Ed9167Feab8831B1), which has been active in channeling these substantial amounts to various exchanges.


While the reasons behind these major moves remain speculative, it undoubtedly signifies the dynamic and constantly evolving landscape of the cryptocurrency industry. As with any such high-value transaction, the implications and outcomes remain to be seen. Industry enthusiasts and experts will undoubtedly be keeping a close watch.

At the time of writing, price of Ethereum is $1579.

Source: https://blockchainreporter.net/buterins-wallet-transfers-400-eth-valued-at-600k-to-coinbase/