Breaking News: Ethereum Foundation Launches Inclusive Devconnect Program, June 26

Key Points:

  • Ethereum Foundation unveils Devconnect Istanbul Scholars Program to promote diversity and inclusion within the Ethereum community.
  • Financial support offered to talented individuals from underrepresented communities to attend Devconnect in Istanbul.
  • Application deadline: July 23, 2023. Don’t miss this valuable opportunity to empower your voice in the Ethereum ecosystem!
Ethereum Foundation has unveiled an exciting initiative called the Devconnect Istanbul Scholars Program, aiming to foster diversity and inclusion within the Ethereum community.
Ethereum Foundation Launches Inclusive Devconnect Program, June 26

This program will offer financial support to talented individuals from communities that are currently geographically and demographically underrepresented in the Ethereum ecosystem, enabling them to attend Devconnect in Istanbul, scheduled for November this year. The application deadline for the program is set for July 23, 2023.

With the Devconnect Istanbul Scholars Program, the Ethereum Foundation is taking proactive steps to address the imbalance and promote greater diversity within the Ethereum community. By providing financial assistance, the foundation aims to remove barriers that may prevent talented individuals from attending the event and participating in the Ethereum ecosystem.

Devconnect is a highly anticipated conference that brings together developers, entrepreneurs, researchers, and enthusiasts from the Ethereum community. It serves as a platform for knowledge sharing, collaboration, and networking, and plays a crucial role in driving the growth and innovation within the Ethereum ecosystem.

Ethereum Foundation Launches Inclusive Devconnect Program, June 26

Through the Scholars Program, the Ethereum Foundation seeks to ensure that voices from underrepresented communities are heard and valued. By providing financial support to attend Devconnect, the foundation aims to empower individuals who may otherwise face financial constraints in accessing such opportunities.

The Ethereum Foundation is actively encouraging talented and values-aligned individuals from diverse backgrounds to apply for the program. Applicants are expected to demonstrate a strong commitment to the Ethereum community and align with the values of inclusivity and collaboration.

Ethereum Foundation Launches Inclusive Devconnect Program, June 26

The launch of the Devconnect Istanbul Scholars Program reflects the Ethereum Foundation’s dedication to creating a more inclusive and diverse blockchain ecosystem. By promoting diversity, the foundation aims to enhance innovation, foster new perspectives, and drive positive change within the Ethereum community.

Interested individuals can find more information about the program and the application process on the Ethereum Foundation’s official blog. The application deadline of July 23, 2023, offers a limited window for potential scholars to submit their applications and seize this valuable opportunity.

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