Women and Crypto: A Match Made in Heaven for the Future!

Women and Crypto: A Match Made in Heaven for the Future!

As we mark International Women’s Day, it’s essential to recognize the growing roles that women are playing in the cryptocurrency space. A recent survey reveals that more and more female-identifying individuals are embracing crypto, with some surveys showing up to 40% of investors globally now identify as females. Also, not only is the number of female investors increasing, but also their level of engagement – with women taking a keener and an active role in digital trading assets, participating in discussions on crypto forums and social media platforms, and even building their start-ups in the space. 

There has never been a better time to jump into cryptocurrencies, with the trend observed across all societal levels: college students and mothers to business owners. Crypto provides womankind with unprecedented financial independence and freedom; blockchain technology offers an opportunity for greater transparency and trust in the world’s economic system. 

An exciting eToro survey report suggests that 

  • Crypto ownership in women globally saw 29% of female investors in the third quarter of 2022. 
  • This figure rose to 34% aged 18-34 in the last quarter. 
  • eToro states that crypto is “ succeeding where traditional financial markets have sometimes failed” by bringing in more women investors. 
  • Surprisingly, where women participants in the market grew significantly, men investors only and only rose by 1%, touching the base at 43% from 42%.
  • Adding to this remarkable fact, crypto became the second highest asset class held by women in the surveyed group by eToro. 

Another notable fact by a trading volume platform states that the investment ratio on their platform rose by 3.3% for female investors within a year. Despite the market’s liquidity crisis and major collapses witnessed across leading stablecoins and bankruptcies in 2022, women, regardless, have been helming the way! 

It is obvious that womankind has been a major driving force in the cryptocurrency space lately, and no wonder why femme interest in the digital market is increasing.

Wrapping Up!

The cryptocurrency space is evolving rapidly, and women play a significant role in this transformation.  As we mark International Women’s Day today, let us celebrate the increasing number of female crypto developers, creators, and investors who are contributing to the growth of the digital asset industry like no other. 

Crypto provides womankind with unprecedented financial independence and freedom; blockchain technology offers an opportunity for greater transparency in the world’s economic system. Therefore, TheCoinRepublic hopes this trend continues, making crypto an ideal match made in heaven with women.

Happy Women’s Day!

Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2023/03/10/women-and-crypto-a-match-made-in-heaven-for-the-future/