Will Aptos crash to 0 $? Aptos Crypto Review

On the 19th of October 2022, Aptos crypto launched with a lot of enthusiasm and promise. However, the turbulent market caused panic in the crypto scene. Is Aptos crypto worthy of an investment? What is Aptos Crypto? Let’s go over Aptos as a project and look into what happened during the first trading sessions. Will Aptos crash to 0 $?

What is Aptos Crypto?

Aptos crypto is a blockchain that uses the PoS mechanism. It is a Layer 1 network, which aims to create the most secure and scalable blockchain possible. The Move programming language and the Move VM, which were developed and optimized for blockchain use cases, are utilized by the Aptos blockchain for application development. The team is made up of Diem’s initial developers, researchers, designers, and builders. Diem was the first blockchain created with this objective in mind.

What does Aptos Provide?

The Aptos ecosystem provides 3 main services:

  • Aptos Names: own a domain name that ends with .apt
  • Aptos Transaction validator: Pretty much like Etherscan, a block explorer and analytics for APT transactions
  • Petra Wallet: A decentralized wallet that helps you manage your APT tokens

What happened to Aptos Launch?

The Aptos token launched with a price of around $14. However, during its first trading sessions, its prices sank all the way to reach its bottom price of $6.73. The main cause of this dump comes back to fundamental issues upon any first listing of a token. or asset. Investors who already invested in this project have their funds locked up and look for the very first opportunity to liquidate. The first listing is the perfect opportunity for old investors to liquidate their locked-up funds. The risk will in turn switch to the new buyers.

The other reason for this 52% decrease in prices is the fact that the company did not fully disclose its tokenomics at launch. Many crypto traders saw this negative fact as an opportunity to short-sell APT, causing prices to dip further.