Uwerx Crypto Presale Launches to big fanbase


Most cryptocurrencies overcorrected their prices in 2022 as the broader market experienced serious turbulence. However, the bears have been more brutal with metaverse tokens such as ApeCoin (APE) and Axie Infinity (AXS) – and not in a good way. Both ApeCoin (APE) and Axie Infinity (AXS) have lost over 85% and 96% of their all-time high values, respectively, and fast losing hype and interest.

At the same time, presale opportunities like Uwerx (WERX) present a tremendous opportunity, making it an infinitely more attractive crypto to invest in 2023. Let’s see the reasons why.

Axie Infinity (AXS) Losing Investor and Player Mindshare

Formerly popular blockchain-based NFT game Axie Infinity (AXS), which was once one of the most prominent play-to-earn ecosystems that became a global sensation, has reported a massive loss in players and investors alike over the past year. According to Axie Infinity (AXS), it has lost over 62% of its active users from September 2021 to September 2022, dwindling from a height of nearly 2 million people to just over 700,000 people at the end of 2022 – and fast losing them every day.

Therefore, investing in Axie Infinity (AXS) and its fast-diminishing investor and player base can be a serious error entering 2023 – there are definitely way better options than this. Some investors however, are showing some faith in the project as the Axie Infinity developer, Sky Mavis launches the next act and the Ronin blockchain is about to receive an update.

ApeCoin (APE) Fails to Stoke Retail Desire

The first thing that comes to mind when people hear ApeCoin (APE) is that it’s nothing more than a meme coin representing the worst excesses of the NFT market. And why not? ApeCoin (APE) derives its utility as the main governance token for the Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) NFT ecosystem, the latter once being the most expensive NFTs ever.

In theory, ApeCoin (APE) intends to build a metaverse economy for Web3 enthusiasts run solely by the ApeCoin (APE) DAO.

ApeCoin (APE) has failed to generate any buzz, however, as prices remain stagnant amid market sentiment turning against NFTs. Currently, ApeCoin is trading at $4.20, to put it simply, trading has been extremely slow. Worse, for ApeCoin (APE) to be of any use to anyone, holders need to be owners of Bored Ape Yacht Club and Mutant Ape Yacht Club NFTs.

Uwerx (WERX) 2023 Crypto Presale Launches to Massive Fanfare

Axie Infinity (AXS) and ApeCoin (APE) have already made it as far as they will go. So if you wish to make some serious profit, invest in presale coins with real-world utility, security, and potential to skyrocket such as Uwerx (WERX), rather than high market cap coins.

Uwerx is creating the first Web3-enabled freelance job marketplace that seeks to improve from Web2 platforms like Upwork and Freelancer.com, while featuring low transaction fees, efficient payments, and the opportunity to build alternative income streams for freelance professionals. Uwerx intends to become the main protocol servicing the trillion-dollar gig economy, and that’s where it derives its value from.

Best of all, Uwerx developers ensured a fair and safe launch by getting a full audit done on its smart contract, as well as locking platform liquidity on the Uwerx protocol for the succeeding years to ensure no rug pulls occur. With Uwerx token prices at a discounted presale rate of $0.005, investing in Uwerx can be like investing in Axie Infinity (AXS) before it listed and went on its parabolic run.

Currently, crypto experts predict Uwerx to hit $3 by the end of 2023. An added boost to the morale of investors is InterFi Network and SolidProof’s decision to approve the Uwerx audit at prelaunch. Liquidity has also been locked for 25 years after presale ends. To put all fears of a rug pull to rest, the team has recently announced that contract ownership renouncement will take place as soon as the platform is ready for listing on centralized exchanges. Get in on the Uwerx (WERX) presale through the following links.

Website: www.uwerx.network

Presale: invest.uwerx.network

Telegram: https://t.me/uwerx_network 

Twitter: https://twitter.com/uwerx_network

*This article was paid for Cryptonomist did not write the article or test the platform.

Source: https://en.cryptonomist.ch/2023/04/11/uwerx-crypto-presale-launches-big-fanbase/