The Rise of Decentralised Governing in Crypto Casinos: How Players Can Become Decision-Makers

Making decisions in a person’s favourite video game is almost like second nature for some players.

Role-playing games with stories make players responsible for the outcome of the game. In the 2010s, RPG games had a significant growth in sales and the number of titles in the genre. In 2020, the role-playing game (RPG), market grew by 31 per cent 2020. There is a huge market for player-based decision games. 

YouTube walkthroughs and streamers also helped to propel RPG games to popularity in the 2010s, but it has been decision-making features that have made players want to become more involved with their favourite games and online sites. In online gaming, this has been achieved through many features such as forums and social media where polls and comment threads reach out to viewers for feedback on new game updates, features and other game-related elements. This is similar in online casinos, only players aren’t just suggesting game features and game changes, they are voting on them.

In crypto casinos, this has occurred because many crypto casino games operate on decentralised technology without banks or mediators. Directly, they can allow players to have a democratic role in the future development of the platforms, its games and site mechanics, this is known as decentralised governing. Token-based voting opportunities are given to vote on different decisions the casino may make, which more often than not, involves in-game changes.

Depending on casino operations, these decisions may be made through open discussions, community votes or personal submissions. This is enabled through smart contracts which the casinos can use to determine the outcome once token holders have voted.

 This article will go into greater depth to explore the rise of decentralised governance in crypto casinos and the features which are enabling players to become decision-makers in them.

Democratic voting ability

When offering players the opportunity to vote, tokens may be given out on a one-token-per-person basis.

Casinos can have different ways of issuing tokens to their patrons, but one of the most common will be through loyalty schemes or tournaments, or staking crypto. If a player wins enough tournaments in a crypto casino game, they win tokens that give them the power to decide on game features. Each player will make their vote individually. 

 However, because the one-to-one token rule exists, nobody can overrule anyone else based on how many tokens they have, as the rule means every player who holds a token has an equal say in decision-making.

For players, this creates a democratic system for those loyal to the casino as their token count becomes void in the outcome of decision-making. Their skill level also has no impact on token collection due to preexisting rules. 

Smart contracts and foolproof voting on casino matters

Smart contracts are an essential function in cryptocurrency casinos and smart contracts are very important in casinos, but they are also essential in the decision-making for players when given the opportunity. 

This is because because decentralisation removes the third-party mediator from the decision process. As they are self-execution contracts that have an agreement or rules written into their code, they cannot be altered by the casino or players once submitted.

When applied to the voting process, these may present in the form of a yes or no question, or in a case where a player can only vote with a close-ended answer for their vote to be registered. 

This means players cannot get smart with their voting tactics or abstain from voting, which enables a seamless and foolproof voting process. For casinos, this is beneficial as it means they can make changes that their community wants, for example, something like more specific types of games or new rewards.

Community meetings with the casino

To reflect the views of the community, crypto casinos must hold meetings for bigger decisions! These will be things that may permanently alter casino games, casino operations or financial elements of the casino.

This is dependent on individual casinos, but many crypto casinos are encouraging player participation in big decision-making because of the everchanging market of cryptocurrency and its technology. This will involve all those token holders who may vote on bigger changes in crypto casinos.  Changes to transaction fees or implementing new crypto games are some examples of changes that could be suggested or voted on.

Power is enabled through community meetings via direct involvement in significant casino changes. In land casinos, this is not possible as casinos and their changes will be made by board members or by the laws in their jurisdiction. 

Player Proposals and submitting suggestions to the casino

Yes, players can submit suggestions to their chosen casino for games and their operation, but that doesn’t mean they will consider them!  However, the casinos that do so often may allow online players to submit suggestions through online proposals. Online proposals will be drafted with smart contract functionality in mind that may include written text in the form of a question, or a written statement with corresponding answers. 

Details about the proposal will also be included in this script like what the change is, the potential impact it may have and maybe reasons for it or facts to back up the players’ proposal. The proposal will then need to be approved by the casino and the smart contract, and the voting will begin based on the outcomes that are written into the smart contracts.

Allowing players to submit proposals can greatly influence decision-making in crypto casinos because players may suggest changes the casino never thought of, or raise issues with the casino operation, although this will most likely be done in open discussions. 

Future of player decision-making

The future of decentralised decision-making in crypto casinos is uncertain as the process is lacking widespread adoption.
