Texas Voters Prioritize Crypto in Elections, Coinbase Study Reveals

  • Coinbase’s survey finds Texas voters significantly influenced by presidential candidates’ crypto policies.
  • Over 21% of Texan adults own crypto, with a majority supporting pro-crypto candidates.
  • “Cryptocurrencies have taken a life of their own,” acknowledges Donald Trump, highlighting the growing political relevance of crypto.

A recent Coinbase survey unveils that Texas voters view cryptocurrency as a pivotal issue for the next elections, with a substantial portion likely to back candidates advocating for the crypto industry.

Texans’ Growing Crypto Ownership and Political Impact


According to Coinbase, Texas emerges as a crypto bastion, with more than 4.7 million adults (21%) holding digital assets. This demographic, predominantly younger and earning $75,000 or less, views cryptocurrency as a means to reform the existing financial system. An overwhelming 85% express the need for financial system overhaul, positioning crypto as a key electoral issue.

Political Support Swings Toward Crypto Advocates

The inclination of Texan crypto owners towards candidates who perceive crypto as essential for America’s financial future is notable. Three-quarters of this group are more likely to support leaders who aim to utilize crypto for maintaining U.S. leadership in the global financial arena. Furthermore, 74% favor candidates who commit to fostering a strong domestic crypto industry to generate jobs and promote economic inclusion.

Candidate Positions on Crypto Gain Prominence

Presidential hopefuls are increasingly acknowledging the importance of crypto, with figures like Donald Trump and Kennedy Jr expressing their acceptance and support for the digital currency. Trump’s acknowledgment of crypto’s autonomy and Kennedy Jr’s pledge to cease the White House’s opposition to bitcoin underscore the evolving political landscape. Coinbase suggests that this growing endorsement could compel both incumbents and challengers to integrate crypto initiatives into their platforms to align with young voters’ interests and secure political relevance.


The Coinbase survey highlights a significant trend among Texas voters, with cryptocurrency emerging as a critical factor in their electoral decisions. As political candidates begin to recognize and align with the pro-crypto sentiment, the next elections could witness a paradigm shift in how financial policies, particularly concerning cryptocurrencies, are shaped and implemented. This shift not only reflects the increasing integration of digital currencies into mainstream financial discussions but also signals a broader change in the political consideration of technology and economic innovation.

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Source: https://en.coinotag.com/texas-voters-prioritize-crypto-in-elections-coinbase-study-reveals/