PaySafe Study Revealed Crypto Currency Believer Statistics- Men Keener Than Women

  • A study has been conducted by PaySafe, which was authorized to conduct around October 2021 and was carried out by Sapio Research.
  • The study highlighted facts about individuals who believe crypto payments will dominate the payments market globally, individuals who hesitated to invest, individuals who backed out, and many more.
  • The study showed that men are keener in trading, with 71% being involved in day trading, and the figure was around 29% for women.

Over the last year, the use of cryptocurrencies has simultaneously grown with its adoption and popularity, primarily due to the increasing number of individuals that fall into the Bitcoin rabbit hole. As per a study by PaySafe, the payment processor, the majority of cryptocurrency supporters are ready to put all their money in for once and get paid back in cryptocurrencies, abandoning the fiat currency forever. 

Positive Results Of The Study

The study was conducted by PaySafe, which is named “Inside the crypto community: Plotting the journey to mass adoption,” was published on January 11, this year. The study also highlighted the most significant trends for cryptocurrency users in the US & UK. The results served by this study are pretty uplifting for individuals who believe in the cryptocurrency industry, the adoption of its technologies globally, and its positive development over time. The research is quite thorough as it includes a broad range of subjects, ranging from the interests and demographics of the cryptocurrency community to knowledge and motivation concerning the crypto ecosystem and its technologies.

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The survey for the study was managed and conducted by Sapio Research, an independent research house, and was authorized to take place in October 2021. The study included responses only from people who held cryptocurrencies at that time, and these responses were gathered through emails only. 

Believers Of Cryptocurrencies

Of the total responses, 54% of the individuals who responded trust that cryptocurrencies are and will be the future of finance and would soon start to dominate the payments market all around the world. Keeping in mind that the study was conducted in 2021, 60% of individuals believed that cryptocurrencies would manage to acquire a notable presence in the e-commerce industry until the end of this year. Yet, less than half of these responders think that physical stores and outlets might adopt cryptocurrency as a mode of payment.

Source: PaySafe

Some other significant points, the study highlights, included that about 70% of respondents have been uncertain about making any investment in cryptocurrencies, at least once in their lives. Out of these 70% respondents, 30% said that they left their place as prices began to drop, and the remaining thought of their doubts being related to word-of-mouth, bad press, risk-taking, social media, and some other major factors as well.

Salaries In Cryptocurrencies!

Also, some exciting facts from this study revealed that around 55% of the responders were willing to get their salaries in cryptocurrencies as they wanted to use their tokens. These tokens were more popular among the younger generation and Gen Z of the 21st century, where about 60% of individuals aged 18-24 years were willing to get salaries in cryptocurrencies. However, this figure dropped to 58% for individuals aged from 23-34 years, and for individuals aged 35-44 years, it was about 57%.

Men Are More Keen In Day Trading

Individuals want their salaries in crypto because they trust cryptocurrencies, and a smart investment could increase their value with time, and that payments in cryptocurrencies will gain adoption and popularity in the future. The study said that around 16% of the respondents said that they do not trust traditional banks anymore. The study also disclosed that men do have a keen interest in trading, as about 58% would visit exchange platforms multiple times a week, around 68% at least traded once in a day, and about 71% claimed that they generally get involved in day trading. On the other hand, women did show a more cautious nature as about 61% traded just once a year, and about 29% would get involved in day trading.

Source: PaySafe
