PayMaya announces crypto integration into its app 1

TL; DR Breakdown

  • PayMaya adds a new crypto feature to its app
  • Users will enjoy seamless crypto services
  • The Philippines lead the charge in crypto interest

Digital assets are now pushing their way into mainstream adoption, going by their performance in recent weeks. This has caused firms worldwide to look into potentially integrating the assets into their platforms. One such firm is PayMaya, a firm based in the Philippines that provides FinTech services. In its recent update, the firm has announced an integration of a new crypto feature, mirroring the ones done by firms like Venmo and the likes.

PayMaya customers will enjoy seamless services

In the post that was culled off TechInAsia, customers on the company’s platform will be able to carry out basic crypto activities. This will include buying, selling, and trading different cryptocurrencies. This new update is one of the few ways the company has promised to provide total incentives for users who intend to sojourn into the crypto sector.

Going by the report, PayMaya wants to use this feature to help citizens across the country navigate their way into the crypto market more efficiently and straightforwardly. Furthermore, it will help the users carry out their activities with ease without registering on outside applications. Users will also not be burdened with submitting KYC details.

The Philippines ranks top in crypto interest in Asia

PayMaya ranks in the first position across the Philippines to provide essential payments and other fintech services. The firm offers services such as issuing virtual currencies and providing virtual assets to clients. It has a full license of operation from the central bank in the country, Banko Sentral ng Pilipinas. Over 40 million users of the platform’s application across the Asian country. In a recent interview, the company president, Shailesh Baidwan, spoke about the growing trend in the acceptance of crypto across the country.

In her statement, she mentioned that the people were yearning for the crypto feature after enjoying the seamless and exciting services the PayMaya brand has provided them. With the new features, she hopes the company onboards as many customers as possible who want to use the opportunity to learn about crypto and the industry. Trading Bitcoin and Ethereum are presently open to PayMaya application users who have updated their apps. Other digital assets on the platform include LINK, MATIC, and QNT.

The company has also communicated that it will consist of some other digital assets as the days go by. Countries in the ASEAN group have seen an uptick in the number of users willing to adopt digital assets. The Philippines has been one of the highest contributors, with the country now taking significant steps to regulate the sector. This is because it will help them get rid of malicious actors and keep the community safe. With Axie Infinity seeing massive success, the country is also looking to generate income from the play-to-earn game.
