Near Protocol and Uniswap Advocates Dive into New Raffle Coin


The crypto market is undergoing correction after recently seeing bullish runs across many cryptocurrencies in the crypto space. As several cryptos are now seeing their prices fall drastically, holders are beginning to look for alternative altcoins to invest in.

Near Protocol (NEAR) and Uniswap (UNI) investors have joined the host of investors who are searching for emerging projects that can provide them with good returns. They are currently advocating a rally into Raffle Coin (RAFF).

Near Protocol (NEAR) investors eyeing Raffle Coin (RAFF) presale

Near Protocol (NEAR), built by the Near Collective was designed to be a community run cloud computing platform capable of eliminating some of the limitations faced by other blockchains. Although Near Protocol (NEAR) has been successful since its inception, lately it has seen a significant drop in prices due to market corrections. It has fallen by 21.56% in the last 7 days to its current value of $6.49 leaving investors scared and worried about the future.

These Near Protocol (NEAR) holders are looking to invest in the latest Raffle Coin (RAFF) Presale to recoup their losses and make gains. 

Uniswap (UNI) holders promote Raffle Coin (RAFF)

Amidst the fluctuating tides of the crypto market, Uniswap (UNI) has struggled to maintain its steady rise. Investors are starting to doubt its chances of reaching its ATH due to its unstable movement in the market. Uniswap (UNI) has recently seen its price fall by almost 12.9% from last week to its present price of $12.07 and this has yet to do much to improve investors’ confidence. 

Judging from the decreasing trading activity currently facing Uniswap (UNI), investors are gradually exiting the market. Like Near Protocol (NEAR) holders assured of making huge returns from Raffle Coin (RAFF), Uniswap (UNI) investors are also starting to invest in Raffle Coin (RAFF) and promote it.

Raffle Coin (RAFF) presale tempts investors with juicy token prices

Raffle Coin (RAFF) is a decentralized platform designed to reward users for participating in daily, weekly, and monthly raffles. After registering, users can fund their accounts using a range of different cryptos to obtain tokens which they’ll use to get draws. Winners will get the chance to cart away different prizes including luxury items like jewelry and designer items, home appliances, vacations, etc or cash out their prizes for crypto.

Users stand to win crypto by performing tasks or achieving certain milestones. Users can also contribute to the platform by dropping suggestions and voting on upcoming changes to shape the future of Raffle Coin (RAFF).

Presale investors will be opportune to get tokens at cheaper rates and earn from fees generated on the platform proportional to their holdings. VIP investors who invest a minimum of $10k will be set to receive higher staking rewards and golden opportunities. To further provide stability and security to the project, the liquidity pool will be locked for life.

Presale is still in its first stage and each token is currently going for only $0.020. We advise checking the project out to not miss out on an opportunity to make gains.

Check out the official website of Raffle Coin to find out more by clicking here.

*This article was paid for. Cryptonomist did not write the article or test the platform.
