Miami To Accept Third Party Crypto Payments?

  • Miami-Dade Cryptocurrency Task Force, established in April previous year to explore viability of county accepting digital assets, is suggesting indirect adoption of transactions to county in BTC and other cryptos.
  • Persisting rules restrict county from directly adopting digital assets as payments.
  • Suggestion is to procure a currency transaction processor which could accept digital currency on behest of county and offer the county with a fair market price of crypto assets in legal tender.

County Going For Crypto Adoption?

County might pay wages to workers only in United States legal tender under persisting regulations. But if they really want to offer such option, they would require to procure a digital currency processor which would transform nation’s legal tender to digital currency and deliver that to workers.

To get the suggestions, the task force talked 16 times with county workers, vendors and community members to learn regarding interest and potential utilization of crypto assets.

Legislation was initially proposed by Commissioner Daniella Cohen Higgins.

The cluster had guiding principles which oriented them to put together the 15 page report, involving requirements for public educational windows, monetary inclusion, transparency and community backing.

To entirely understand community interest, cluster surveyed county workers and discovered that the ones who responded, 69% stated that they have attempted to learn regarding Bitcoin or crypto assets, 39% have already utilized or have made investments in crypto assets, 29% stated that they did not had knowledge regarding this technology, and 58% stated that they have a little knowledge regarding this.

Furthermore, 83% showed signs that they are willing to learn regarding crypto assets, unleashing floodgates for educational initiatives.

Task Force’s Request

Cluster suggested that commission chose a single or multiple vendors which would offer pro educational platforms, educational symposiums, printed educational materials, onboarding and knowledge for all county workers utilizing services, education on perks and threats for crypto assets, and targeted outreach programs concentrated on conventionally underserved communities.

Task force has applied for 180 more days to explore further areas and help with procurement process.

Report describes further policy initiatives where blockchain tech can only be utilized organizing domestic communities to fund domestic projects, report stated, and technology could be utilized for county to make or take part in metaverse ecosystem.

Task Force members wrote they desire to keep on exploring the notion of a county sponsored conference concentrated on blockchain, which would be available with reduced or no cost to residents, study the potential and permissibility to offer monetary literacy education to county residents in association with virtual assets.

After witnessing what the task force has done and who has stepped forward to speak to members, task force member Patel stated that commissioners must consider cryptocurrency and blockchain to be a support of their campaigns.

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