Konstantin Ignatov, the ex-boyfriend of ‘Crypto queen’ gets five years of jail

  • The world of cryptocurrency has been rocked by the scandal of the “Cryptoqueen,” who disappeared in 2017 after amassing a fortune through a fraudulent cryptocurrency called OneCoin. 
  • Her former boyfriend, Konstantin Ignatov, has now been sentenced to five years in jail for his role in the scheme.

The CEO of OneCoin

Ignatov was the CEO of OneCoin after the disappearance of his sister, Ruja Ignatova, who was the mastermind behind the scam. OneCoin was marketed as a legitimate cryptocurrency that would rival Bitcoin, but in reality, it was a Ponzi scheme that defrauded investors out of billions of dollars.

Ignatov pleaded guilty to charges of money laundering and fraud, admitting that he had knowingly participated in the scheme. He had been arrested in March 2019 at Los Angeles International Airport, where he had been planning to flee the United States.

The sentencing of Ignatov is a significant moment in the ongoing investigation into OneCoin. The scam has been described as one of the largest Ponzi schemes in history, with estimates of the amount defrauded ranging from $4 billion to $15 billion.

The Cryptoqueen, Ruja Ignatova, has been on the run since 2017 and remains at large. She was last seen in 2017 in Athens, where she gave a presentation at a OneCoin conference. Since then, there have been no confirmed sightings of her.

The OneCoin scam operated by convincing investors to buy OneCoin tokens, which could then be traded on the company’s own exchange. The company claimed that the value of OneCoin would rise as more people bought into the scheme, creating a sense of urgency among investors to buy in.

However, OneCoin was never listed on any reputable cryptocurrency exchange, and the tokens had no real value. The only way for investors to make a profit was by convincing others to buy into the scheme, creating a classic Ponzi scheme.

The OneCoin scam targeted people who were not familiar with cryptocurrency, often using high-pressure sales tactics and promises of quick profits. Many victims invested their life savings in the scheme, and some even took out loans to buy OneCoin tokens.

The sentencing of Konstantin Ignatov is a step towards justice for the victims of the OneCoin scam. However, the mastermind behind the scheme, Ruja Ignatova, remains at large. The investigation into OneCoin is ongoing, and it is possible that more people will be brought to justice in the future.

The OneCoin scandal is a cautionary tale for anyone thinking of investing in cryptocurrency. It highlights the importance of doing due diligence before investing in any cryptocurrency, and the dangers of investing in schemes that promise quick profits.

The cryptocurrency industry is still in its early stages, and there are many legitimate projects with real-world applications that have the potential to revolutionize industries. However, there are also many scams and fraudulent schemes that investors need to be aware of.


In conclusion, the sentencing of Konstantin Ignatov is a significant moment in the investigation into the OneCoin scam. The scheme defrauded investors out of billions of dollars, and the mastermind behind the scheme, Ruja Ignatova, remains at large. The OneCoin scandal serves as a cautionary tale for anyone thinking of investing in cryptocurrency and highlights the importance of doing due diligence before investing in any project.

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Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2023/02/19/konstantin-ignatov-the-ex-boyfriend-of-crypto-queen-gets-five-years-of-jail/