Generate passive gains with Autofarm crypto project

Autofarm crypto project brings the platform. It’s a cross-chain yield soul that permits users to induce the come back on their assets from yield farming pools by merely staking in Autofarm vaults. several think about it as a 1 stop DeFi yielding solution with millions of potential. Yield farming with high APY, audited by CerTik, competitive swap with one amongst the simplest DEX aggregators out there. and also the cherry on high it’ however the info conferred is extremely clear, with graphs and native dashboard to follow your yields.

The team at Autofarm is devoted to the expansion of the platform and ecosystem. This suggests unendingly innovating, making higher products, and up the general user experience. It’s our goal to be a chain-agnostic yield optimizer therefore users will reap the total advantages of combining with Autofarm, across the complete DeFi (Decentralized Finance) space.

Autofarm crypto brings a multichain platform

Multi-chain is that the nonsensicality of town, however quite simply being a promotion or catchy trend, the team at Autofarm firmly believes that a multi-chain world wherever multiple blockchains co-exist and act with each other is possible. In fact, a multi-chain world is critical to support all the redistributed finance (DeFi) users within the world.

Moving forward, Autofarm can frequently expand our product offerings onto the various blockchains where we have a tendency to consider possible and are able to establish cooperative partnerships with the native ecosystems and corresponding DeFi projects.

Is the project a scam or legit?

Autofarm has many measures to mitigate good contract risks. We’ve mitigated this risk by arming all smart contracts with 24hr time-locks and having respectable auditors audit the whole project.

Audit reports

  • CertiK Foundation
  • SlowMist

For Autofarm users it’s potential to buy insurance to safeguard against sensible contract failure and associate degreed potential exploits with Soteria & InsurAce. Autofarm has conjointly partnered with CertiK to implement CertiKShield as a safeguard against potential larceny or lost funds. 

Lastly, Autofarm is pledging the 3% gas rebates that we’ll receive from the monthly Binance BUIDL Reward Program to line up an Autofarm SAFU fund to be used for reimbursements within the event of exploits or loss of funds.

Autofarm has also partnered with Immunefi and can be hosting our bug bounty program of up to $100,000 on their platform wherever security researchers can review our sensible contracts, disclose vulnerabilities, get paid, and create the Autofarm protocol safer.

The crypto project’s team plans to create a treasury fund which will be accustomed to fund additional external audits of the protocol. Additionally, you’ll show your support for Autofarm by upvoting US on DefiYieldInfo.

How to earn AUTO cryptocurrency?

By yield farming in Autofarm crypto vaults, users may earn Autofarm’s native token, $AUTO, on top of what they already earn from yield farming. Vaults on Autofarm crypto every have a singular automotive vehicle number that determines the number of $AUTO distributed accordingly.

$AUTO is supported by strong tokenomics that caps the utmost offer at 80,000 $AUTO. A redemption and burn mechanism from vault profits (1.5%) is adopted to step by step cut back the $AUTO supply that successively drives up the worth of $AUTO, benefitting all token holders.

The roadmap for $AUTO includes receiving fees from cross-chain vaults and DEX personnel and a governance system.

The project charges only a minimal fees

As farmers ourselves, we perceive the pain of jilting our profits for vexatious fees. That’s why once we engineered Autofarm, we were committed to having all-time low fees on the market. At 2.2%, Autofarm users fancy a number of the most affordable fees for a yield optimiser within the entire BSC ecosystem.

Fees on Autofarm include deposit fees that form up under 0.1% of users’ initial capital, whereas withdrawal fees are 0%. All explicit APYs on the Autofarm platform have already taken fees into consideration, therefore there aren’t any hidden prices involved. What you see is what you get.

Low fees on Autofarm are attainable partly because of the socialization of gas prices through change of integrity events by pooling along user deposits. This permits most potency and lowers costs incurred on gas.

Cryptocurrency Dynamic Harvesting

Let your assets work more durable for you. referred to as dynamic gathering, Autofarm compounds staked assets in our vaults mechanically by victimization algorithmically profitable ways at best combination intervals. This practice optimizing performance was designed in-house to change solely the simplest yields for Autofarm users.

combination events on Autofarm occur on a daily basis, reaching a frequency of up to 170x each day surely vaults. This machine-driven method makes it potential for users to reap bigger yields with a fraction of the trouble needed as there’s no want for manual harvesting on someone farming pools.

Together, Autofarm’s combination ways maximize APYs across multiple totally different yield farming protocols to realize the foremost economical capital returns. Users will simply sit back, relax, and leave the toil to us.

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