Crypto-Powered “Shrapnel” FPS Listed on Epic Games Store

The prominent Epic Games Store has listed upcoming crypto-enabled first-person shooter “Shrapnel” in early access form, providing a massive platform for the ambitious blockchain game to compete against fellow blockchain gaming pioneers like “Star Atlas” and “Illuvium.”


  • Epic Games Store, with over 230 million PC gamers, lists the crypto game “Shrapnel” in early access form to compete with blockchain titles like “Star Atlas” and “Illuvium”
  • “Shrapnel” is a first-person shooter set in a dystopian world, billing itself as an “AAA extraction shooter”
  • The game involves NFTs and crypto token on Avalanche, seeking to let players customize all aspects from characters and weapons to maps
  • Early access launches allow studios like Neon Machine to build community and get feedback while continuing development towards 2025 full launch
  • Over 100,000 Discord members shows interest, but no blockchain game has crossed into mainstream gaming success yet

Developed by studio Neon Machine, “Shrapnel” bills itself as a “AAA extraction shooter” set in a dystopian sci-fi world. Through integration of NFT and crypto token mechanics on the Avalanche blockchain, the studio wants to let players “customize every aspect of the game, from its characters and weapons to in-game maps.”

So far, no blockchain game has come close to achieving mainstream dominance in the multi-billion dollar gaming industry. But by securing a high-profile listing on the Epic Games Store and its sprawling pool of over 230 million PC gamers, “Shrapnel” now has an opportunity to significantly expand the blockchain gaming footprint beyond crypto enthusiasts.

Neon Machine is taking an interactive early access approach, launching the game in unfinished form to involve the community and solicit real-time feedback throughout the development process leading up to a planned full launch in 2025.

With over 100,000 members already active on Discord, the company sees early signs of strong organic enthusiasm around “Shrapnel” and its gameplay rewards model for active participation.

This direct community engagement lets Neon Machine “steer toward a blockbuster-quality AAA first-person shooter game,” says its CEO Mark Long.

The Epic Games Store listing puts “Shrapnel” in the ring alongside segments of gaming juggernauts like Call of Duty and Halo. While Neon Machine has attracted major venture funding, including a recent $20 million Series A round, the scrappy studio faces immense pressure to deliver on its vision for a breakthrough crypto-powered shooter.

Some gamers remain skeptical of blockchain integration and play-to-earn mechanics encroaching on traditional gaming formats. But Neon Machine’s hands-on co-creation approach could tempt enthusiasts with the chance to leave a tangible mark on “Shrapnel” and bond closely with its eventual community.

If “Shrapnel” reaches its ambitious target to become a mainstream gaming hit, it could signal a coming of age for crypto-powered experiences and their blend of digital asset ownership, creative participation, and gameplay rewards.

For now, the crypto shooter kicks off its most important testing phase yet under the watchful eyes of early adopters who may one day look back as pioneers in the genesis of a gaming revolution.

The early access version will only be available for a few hours at a time to those who purchased Extraction Pack NFT keys, limiting access even among self-selected supporters. But the sessions will garner key feedback as Neon Machine guns for the first big blockchain gaming breakthrough and the start of a more open, player-powered era of triple-A gaming.
