Crypto hacks cost over $1.8B in 2023, ENS token surges: Finance Redefined

Web3 hacks and scams cost the ecosystem $1.83 billion in 2023 despite dropping by half from 2022.

Welcome to Finance Redefined, your weekly dose of essential decentralized finance (DeFi) insights — a newsletter crafted to bring you the most significant developments from the past week.

Crypto hack losses declined by over 50% in 2023. However, the industry still saw over $1.8 billion in losses from exploits, and dydx has reportedly identified the attacker behind a $9 million exploit and is considering taking legal action against the perpetrator. All this and more in our weekly DeFi newsletter!

The top 100 DeFi tokens had a volatile week, with the price of the tokens recording a major swing from bearish to bullish. However, the total value locked dipped below $60 billion after nearly two months.

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