Crypto Attacks Sees 150% Surge in Q3; Losses Reach $685M


ImmuneFi reveals alarming statistics regarding crypto hacking incidents in the third quarter of 2023

In the fast-evolving world of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, the need for robust security measures has never been more evident. A recent report from blockchain security firm ImmuneFi reveals alarming statistics regarding crypto hacking incidents in the third quarter of 2023. The number of such incidents surged by an astonishing 153% compared to the same period in the previous year, reaching a total of 76 cases. Furthermore, the losses incurred from these hacks and fraudulent activities amounted to a staggering $685 million in Q3, marking a significant 60% increase from the previous year’s approximately $429 million. These startling figures underscore the growing threat landscape faced by the crypto industry and the urgent need for enhanced security measures.

The State of Crypto Hacks in Q3

Mitchell Amador, the CEO of ImmuneFi, emphasized the gravity of the situation, highlighting that Q3 witnessed the highest losses this year. Large-scale attacks, such as those targeting Mixin Network and Multichain, significantly contributed to the surge in losses. These two high-profile exploits alone accounted for nearly half of the total losses during the quarter.

The Mixin Network hack, which saw a staggering $200 million being stolen, was attributed to North Korean-sponsored hackers known as the Lazarus Group, according to South Korean officials. This state-backed group also allegedly masterminded major hacks on crypto exchanges CoinEx, Alphapo, and Stake, as well as digital payments firm CoinsPaid. The combined losses from these attacks exceeded $200 million.

The Rising Sophistication of Hacking Groups

The surge in crypto hacking incidents highlights the increasing sophistication of hacking groups targeting blockchain projects. As blockchain technology evolves and becomes more complex, hackers are finding new and creative ways to exploit vulnerabilities. In particular, decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols suffered the most significant damage during the quarter, with nearly $500 million lost. This can be attributed to the fact that DeFi applications often rely on smart contract code, which, if not properly audited and secured, can be prone to vulnerabilities.

The Complexity of Smart Contracts

Smart contracts play a pivotal role in the world of blockchain and DeFi. They are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code. While smart contracts offer efficiency and automation, they also introduce a layer of complexity that can be exploited if not thoroughly audited and secured.

As crypto projects continue to leverage smart contracts to build innovative solutions, the need for comprehensive security measures becomes paramount. Hacking groups are keenly aware of the potential vulnerabilities within smart contracts and are targeting them with increasing sophistication.


The surge in crypto hacking incidents and the substantial increase in associated losses in the third quarter of 2023 underscore the critical need for enhanced security measures within the crypto industry. The involvement of state-backed actors, such as the Lazarus Group, adds an additional layer of complexity and geopolitical intrigue to these attacks. To protect investors and maintain trust in blockchain technology, crypto projects, exchanges, and service providers must prioritize security, undergo regular audits, and invest in cutting-edge security solutions. As the crypto landscape continues to evolve, robust security practices are essential to safeguard against increasingly sophisticated threats.
