‘Bigger than Bitcoin and Ethereum’: crypto skyrockets 600% in 2021 and who can take another leap by the end of July 2022

When you think of the word crypto-active, I believe the first name that comes to anyone’s mind is Bitcoin. After all, the digital revolution that “gold 2.0” promoted and continues to promote will forever be marked in history. Not only for its innovative project of being a 100% digital and decentralized currency. But mainly for managing to take the disruptive idea off paper and convert it into profit for those who believed in crypto when everyone was calling it a joke.

Iin the past for 20 thousand bitcoins bought a pizza, today, after only 12 years, the capitalization of the first cryptocurrency is more than $875292000 – rate growth of more than 3 000 000% with an average annual profit of 192% in a liquid market, which today is already worth more than 95% of any cryptocurrency exchange: Bitget, BTSE or the Redot exchange.

On the tip of the pencil, this means that every 100 dollars invested in the world’s most famous crypto at the beginning of the last decade has become more than 5 million dollars today. This, even in the face of the biggest economic crisis in our history.

Not even coronavirus, Elon Musk or China have prevented the cryptocurrency, declared dead for 414 times, from being reborn even stronger and forming a legion of millionaires scattered around the world.

There is no parallel in any other type of investment that comes close to what Bitcoin has delivered so far. There is also no comparison to the revolution it has caused. If Bitcoin reigned alone in 2008, today it’s a very different story. There are already over 6,000 digital assets being traded 24/7.

Each of them offering opportunities as grand as Bitcoin itself which, although it got too big to jump that way again, left the road paved for new protocols to follow a similar path to its own.

As is the case with a cryptoactive that has been breaking record after record into 2021. It has already gone 260% this year, but in the view of expert Andre Franco, it will still surpass Bitcoin’s valuation by July 2022.

New Skyrocket crypto in 2022

To give you a sense of the crypto’s potential, it has a whole ecosystem of digital assets that are developed through it. Among the most notable is a segment that emerged in 2018 and is already considered by NASDAQ as “the new Bitcoin”.

It is seen as the next in line to take the crown of Bitcoin’s reign because, just as BTC was created to end the monopoly of central banks in the world’s major economies, this new disruptive technology is touted as the one that will retire banks, PIX, cheques, credit cards and paper money as we know it.

The disruption of this technology is such that NASDAQ was not alone in betting that the asset class in question will be Bitcoin’s successor. Alongside it, former Messari executive Qiao Wang – the largest crypto-active platform – states that: “investing in these assets today is the same as investing in Bitcoin pre-2013 and Ethereum pre-2015,… the new opportunity of the decade, if you missed the first two make it a point not to miss the next one”

Although she is still a “baby” within the crypto universe – 3 years old – the crypto-activities in her ecosystem are delivering big people profits. Including far greater than the “father” of that market, Bitcoin.

In the first 5 months of 2022 alone, one of the main assets of this new ecosystem managed to multiply its investors’ money by 42 times. That was a jump of 4,188% in a timeframe of less than a half-year, which may be repeated sooner than most imagine.

That’s because the crypto-actives belonging to the currency ecosystem that, in my point of view, will outperform Bitcoin’s valuation by July 14 are going to be directly impacted by a global-scale event that will happen at the end of July.

This is the continuation of a major update to the crypto protocol in question. The frenzy generated around the event is due to the supermultiplications on the order of 2, 3, 6, 20, 30, 50 and even 467 times that were captured just 5 months after phenomena like this happened.

For Andre Franco, elected Top 50 cryptoanalyst at CoinTelegraph, the recent market corrections added to the impact that the event should cause have opened a window of opportunity that you may never find again in your life. The expert says it will be the biggest chance of the year to make a fortune with a crypto.

“I believe this is the biggest window of opportunity of the year to make a fortune with cryptoactive. Those who can get ahead of the event to buy the assets that were priced into liquidation with the recent crash can pocket expressive multiples. I believe this crypto is the best vehicle to capture those profits – André Franco

Franco is so confident with the performance of a specific crypto in his portfolio, that he decided to do something extraordinary for all those who have always wanted to know this market full of potential, but have always been afraid or fearful of the volatility that it possesses.

André has prepared the only 100% free and 100% online event that, instead of charging you, will give you a bonus so you can invest in André’s biggest bet without taking unnecessary risks.

In addition, Franco will reveal, without any kind of initial commitment, the name of this crypto that, in his evaluation, is the best vehicle to multiply assets in 2021.

New Technologies impact

If you doubt the size of the disruption that new technologies can generate in the economy, I will refresh your memory. Just a few years ago, it was common to see queues at payphones and even investment in phone lines.

See also the case of taxi licenses. There used to be a parallel market selling licenses worth up to $ 120,000 in some points in São Paulo. Prices collapsed along with all these old ‘technologies’.

They have been completely disrupted and replaced by more effective, decentralized, cheap and fast ones. The final consumer and the investors who were on the right side of the coin before the disruption happened win.

They were the ones who were able to pocket exorbitant profits. I’m talking about people who bet on pioneering companies like Apple, Uber and Tesla, which have been the champions of returns delivered this decade.

In contrast, those who owned phone lines or bought a taxi stand for over £100,000 saw their business and investment melt away as these new trends emerged and retired the old ones.

Now, it seems, that same revolution is happening to your money and to the traditional financial system, which has fallen far behind in this whole process of digitalization.

And a big step towards making a decentralized, more transparent and intermediary-free future a reality will happen in June.

As I said, it is a highly anticipated update for the cryptomarket that will hit digital assets hard in the class that promises to be the protagonist of this new revolution.

The table valuations happened after 01/12/2020, date of the update called Ethereum 2.0. It came to bring operational improvements in the second largest existing cryptocurrency, but who really won were the crypto-active off the radar of its blockchain, the system that enables transactions. One of the crypto exchanges that have already implemented the ability to trade Ethereum 2.0 is https://redot.com

For the update brought light to some off-the-radar micro-currencies belonging to its ecosystem that, being smaller – they cost pennies – had much more room to grow.

“Timing here is crucial. Because this is a very small (and unique) window of opportunity, set to happen in the next few weeks, you need to act now, with the right information in hand. Believe me, you don’t want to miss any details of what needs to be done to get ahead of this event. This could be the biggest money-making chance you’ll see in 2022″