Atari Founder Cited, Play-to-Earn Games Stuffing Hate for Crypto 

Atari, a dominant on Web3 gaming is concerned about the online gamers as well as the crypto environment. As per its founder, the play-to-earn game concept is the reason behind gamers’ hate for crypto.  

The Statement of Atari Founder

Rapid technological advancement also modified the way we play games. There was a time when games were played for enjoyment. Now, you can enjoy the games as well as earn money from the platform. 

Yes, you heard it right. Online gaming environment advanced much to offer passive income to gaming enthusiasts. It can be a cash or a crypto, depending on the gaming platform’s compatibility. Keeping all this in mind, an established in Web3 Gaming, Nolan K. Bushnell, also the founder of Atari, came up with a surprising statement. “The play-to-earn gaming platforms simply create hate for crypto among the gamers”, stated Bushnell.  

He is a Chief Knowledge Officer at E-Sport platform Moxy, the founder of Atari, and a web3 game supporter. However, his statement about play-to-earn gaming somehow represents hate for the way the gaming industry is chasing money more than entertainment from the non-crypto people. The Web3 gaming sector needs to shift from play-to-earn games and create something more immersive and engaging featuring advanced technologies. Virtual reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AU) have the potential to transform the gaming landscape in the future. The idea of the virtual world should emphasize the social needs, he added. He also expressed his perspectives on the value of smart contracts in the gaming sector. Smart contract plays a key role in the modern gaming world, offering relationships and related terms. The concept has the potential to securely store digital assets in token form and can transform the current gaming sector. 

The idea made Nolan K. Bushnell a big supporter of Moxy, an ESports game platform offering video game players to pay a nominal entry fee to take part in the tournament developing a reward pool. In addition, the platform also allows gamers to host on-demand events for real rewards.       

How Well Play-to-Earn Games Are Performing 

Based on a recent study, gaming tokens are dominating the crypto space, with a combined market cap of $7.4 Billion and a trading volume of $682 Million. The gaming tokens including Axie Infinity (AXS), Immutable (IMX), and Decentraland (MANA) are gaining popularity in the crypto space.    

Interoperability is one of the prominent factors that is booming the popularity of gaming tokens in the crypto world. These tokens have the capability to possess seamless performance across various gaming platforms and titles. 

In addition to this, blockchain technology has completely revolutionized monetization and ownership in the gaming ecosystem. To remain competitive in the online gaming sector, Moxy launched its gaming token so-called $MOXY, allowing gamers to win perks by participating in the e-sports tournament.  


More focus of the gaming industry towards earning money somehow fills hate for crypto among gamers. Based on the statement of Nolan K. Bushnell, the gaming industry needs to focus on boosting the experience of gamers using VR and AR in spite of generating money.    

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