Around the Block With Jefferson Nunn – Interview With Gaurav Dubey of TDeFi. –

Gaurav Dubey  16:55 

Again, I’m sure everyone has their own fascinating story of how they got into crypto. But based on as many stories, as I have heard, mine is pretty unique. I got acquainted to blockchain and crypto not through buying Bitcoin, which is the case with 99% people. I was, you know, I told you, I’ve been operating a technology incubator. And in that incubator, we had a company that was that had microtransactions of, of the capacity of $200,000, a day in checks of $1 to $5. Right. And while was trying to solve that, through traditional payment method, we were struggling with payment systems and cards and processors, each one shutting the doors on us almost every week, right. And banks, questioning our transaction. And that’s when someone told me about an upcoming product technology solution called Stellar. And we ended up using the, you know, the stellar setup, without even knowing that, that this thing would lead into a coin. That would be, you know, that will be sobering. It felt sobering. I mean, it won’t, it won’t be transferable directly into Fiat. So then, after operating, selling, obviously, you know, I was running, I am running a big company, and it was big enough at that time. So, I was not, you know, micromanaging all the development. So, after a while, my team told me that, sir, we have something called stellar accumulating in our system, where do we exchange it? Where are the profits? And I engage and I, you know, I had a word with the stellar team and they told me that I can exchange it for something called Bitcoin. Right? So that was my, yeah, that was my acquaintance then you know, the story goes on. I have I’ve made and sold telecom companies. I’m a telecom engineer primarily which makes me more of a hardware guy. So, the day I got acquainted to Bitcoin within three months you know, reading the Bitcoin white paper, learning about the hardware rigidly found my love, you know, my love found its way in Bitcoin mining and I while reading and understanding mining, I immediately, you know, in my mind, found how can I optimize Bitcoin mining and be more profitable than average miners? So, we I immediately started mining operations back then. And then, you know, things kept advancing the mined bitcoins were sold in the Gulf region for a 12 to 15% premium and that made us establish at desk manage the margins on each side because we were buying bitcoins from casinos around the world and games, companies, you know, we started trading it, and that led us plus traders. And, and then yeah, investments, were already a part of the business. So, the day the first ICO arrived, I was already investing in the ICOs including the first one called the Dow. And before the Dow, we had already accumulated Ethereum, and so and so on. So, the journey continues. But while investing, you know, for these three, four years, I realized that projects in crypto are failing for silly reasons, then, [Inaudible] nothing at all. That could be called a professional advisory that could, you know, advise, and there’s nobody there to guide these technology-oriented entrepreneurs about business, right, and everyone was creating a tech solution. But no one was bothered to take them to the real world. And that that was floating in my mind when one of my portfolio companies started this accelerator called TDeFi. And, and later on in six months, they wanted to close it. Because they said, well, we are good at investments. But we don’t want to we don’t want to deal with the mess of dealing with startups and entrepreneurs. And I said, well, this is what I’ve been thinking for a lot of, you know, for a long time. And I enjoy this. So let me take the front seat there. And this is how you know the journey. Today as it stands, I am the CEO of port of a sister concern of my portfolio company, but I enjoy it. It’s more or less my passion.
