An Ultimate Guide To BLOBs Storage And Its Value For Crypto

Blobs storage is emerging as one of the highly scalable ways to store data in the cloud using data lakes and is expanding its roots in the crypto space.

The adoption of advanced tools and technologies is enhanced as the blockchain industry is expanding its roots in every business sector. Binary Large Objects (BLOBs) are one such database system that created its value in the field of crypto and made data storage effortless. It is used for both structured and unstructured data and is mainly used in Standard Query Language to store unstructured files.

What Is BLOBs Storage?

BLOBs are used for holding large quantities of binary facts in databases and support data files including images, video files, large text, and audio files. To use the database, the file size should be between zero Bytes to 4 gigabytes.

The system offers an adaptable and effortless means of storing, organizing, and sustaining significant data for business operations. Its main functionality involves the storage of unstructured facts that don’t fit into typical data types including strings, integers, etc.

The database holds the potential to hold multimedia content as well as large text files that enhance its value and usability in the crypto space. It has emerged as an exciting innovation that is all set to revolutionize data management on the blockchain.

It is an effective way to enhance data storage facilities, mainly on Layer 2 blockchains streaming on Ethereum (ETH). The system simply reduces the burden of permanent storage over the ETH network and makes it easy for the developers to access data when needed. It also offers an efficient and cost-effective solution for data storage.

Use Cases And Examples

The Dencun update of ETH introduced BLOBs into the ETH ecosystem. The update will enhance transaction processing efficiency among other changes.

BLOBS plays a key role in storing multimedia files as well as large text files of zero bytes to several gigabytes. Media, Logs, and Backups & disaster recovery are a few of the major use cases of the Blob storage. 

Media files like video, audio, and image data which require a lot of space use the storage system. Additionally, it is used in logs for later analysis in which the volume of data increases quickly. To manage and store a large amount of data quickly, BLOB storage is used.

Backup and disaster recovery is another major use case of BLOBs storage system, which helps organizations maintain complete backups, mainly to recover from sudden cyber attacks.

Furthermore, Video (MP4, MOV), Audio (MP3), Graphics (GIF), and Images (JPG, PNG, PDF, and RAW) are some common BLOB examples.

Advantages & Limitations Of Blob Storage 

The concept comes up with a wide range of benefits including scalability, cloud-native, cost-effectiveness, and programming language agnostic. The system offers unlimited storage capacity and helps in storing and managing the files effortlessly. 

Another key benefit is cloud-native which offers a natural fit for businesses to build in or shift to the cloud, making the data accessible from almost anywhere.

ETH gas volatility and uncertainty about the economic aspects of the Duncun update may result in significant challenges for organizations and developers. This factor may affect the leverage of the technology in the blockchain industry. 

The storage providers permit developers to use any of the programming languages to access the Blobs at a very low cost.

Ethereum Fees For Blobs Spiked 

Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin recently discussed the Dencun update of ETH as well as BLOB’s influence on the ecosystem. As per the discussion, the activation of the new update showcases a significant turning point in ETH’s scaling efforts. 

The introduction to BLOBs or proto-danksharding or EIP-4844 brought a major decline in transaction fees and remained cheaper when compared to Calldata. The system doesn’t enable data availability sampling (DAS) but helps in expanding the space up to 16 Mega Bytes per slot.

In addition to this, EIP-4844 capacity is supposed to enhance to its full capacity of DAS along with the improvement of the Layer 2 protocols to increase the usage of available data space.

Furthermore, the ETH gas fees for Blobs upsurged after a project called Ethscriptions found a new way of creating data or minting inscriptions on Blobscriptions. 

As per the Dune Analytics data, the BLOB base fee hiked to at least $266 on 27 March 2024 and played a key role in increasing blob count and improving rollups. 

In short, the Dencun update and introduction of BLOB indicate a significant milestone in ETH’s scaling effortlessly and provide directions to ETH blockchain development mainly in terms of Layer2 solutions, and data availability sampling.


BLOBs storage has emerged as a key innovation in the world of data management within the blockchain industry. Offering a versatile and scalable solution for handling vast amounts of unstructured data, the system is enhancing the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of data operations, particularly in the context of Layer 2 solutions on the Ethereum network. Additionally, the Dencun update marks a significant advancement in Ethereum’s scaling capabilities, introducing BLOBs to reduce transaction fees and optimize data storage. As the blockchain sector continues to evolve, the integration of BLOB storage stands as a testament to the ongoing commitment to improve and expand the technological infrastructure supporting the crypto world.


How many types of BLOBs are there?

There are three main types of BLOBs including Block BLOB, Append BLOB, and Page BLOB. 

Which type of files are supported by BLOB Storage? 

The storage system supports different types of files including video, audio, text, images, and graphics. It supports files of zero bytes to 4 gigabytes. 

What are the benefits of BLOB storage?

Scalability, cost-effectiveness, programming language agnostic, and cloud-native are the biggest benefits.

What are the limitations of using BLOB?

Due to their size, they sometimes slow down database operations and lack research ability.
