Alchemy Pay Enhances Crypto Accessibility in Europe and UK with New Payment Integrations


Alchemy Pay, a global leader in cryptocurrency payment solutions, is expanding its reach in Europe and the United Kingdom. The integration of SEPA Instant and Faster Payments into its On-Ramp service offers users in these regions faster and more efficient ways to transact and acquire cryptocurrencies.

Expanding Payment Options for Enhanced User Experience

Alchemy Pay’s recent addition of SEPA Instant in Europe and Faster Payments in the UK significantly diversifies the payment methods available to users. These options facilitate swift transfers, allowing cryptocurrency purchases to be completed in seconds to minutes. The inclusion of these services aligns with Alchemy Pay’s objective to increase transaction success rates and improve overall user satisfaction.

SEPA Instant and Faster Payments: Features and Benefits

SEPA Instant, part of the Single Euro Payments Area network, connects European banks, offering 24/7 real-time transfer capabilities. This system is vital for daily transactions, which have reached over 2 billion Euros. SEPA Instant’s flexibility enhances cross-border payments within Europe, with transfer limits ranging from €1 to €5000.

In the UK, the Faster Payments Service revolutionizes banking transactions, enabling quick payments between accounts at different banks. This service, integral for millions of users, including individuals, businesses, and charities, is expanding rapidly with the rise of online and mobile banking. Projections estimate that by 2031, over 5.7 billion remote banking payments will be processed via Faster Payments.

Alchemy Pay’s Growing Global Network

Alchemy Pay’s network now includes over 300 fiat payment channels across 173 countries, with a significant presence in Southeast Asia. The company’s expansion into Europe and the UK is marked by the support of SEPA Instant and Faster Payments, adding to its already diverse portfolio of payment options like BLIK, Bancontact, and Skrill.

Regulatory Compliance and Licensing Achievements

Alchemy Pay’s commitment to regulatory compliance is evident in its recent licensing achievements. Following the acquisition of a Money Services License in Iowa, USA, and earlier in Arkansas, the company now holds licenses in multiple jurisdictions, including the United States, Canada, Indonesia, and Lithuania. This dedication to adhering to regional regulations establishes Alchemy Pay as a reliable and compliant fiat-crypto payment gateway.


Alchemy Pay’s latest integrations of SEPA Instant and Faster Payments signal a strategic expansion in Europe and the UK. By offering a wider range of payment options, the company is set to further solidify its position as a key player in the cryptocurrency payment solution market, ensuring ease of transactions for both individuals and businesses globally.
