A Compilation of the Funniest Crypto Coins Names

The invention of cryptocurrencies, mainly Bitcoin and Ethereum, has inspired many startups to invent new coins to attract interest in investing in this fast-growing digital asset class.

Unique and funny crypto coin names facilitates investors’ interest and makes transacting them more popular. For example, the Shiba Inu crypto coin promotes interest in knowing how to buy Shiba inu coin UK.

This article explores the weirdest and silly-named coins that have surfaced since the cryptocurrency evolution took over the world.


Dogecoin was created by Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer in 2013. These software engineers created it as a faster and “fun” alternative to Bitcoin. It was invented as a satire on the several fraud crypto coins that had begun at the time. Its name and logo were from a Shiba Inu meme viral several years ago.


Just as the name suggests, it describes a network that facilitates buying legal marijuana (you didn’t see that one coming, eh?!). This digital currency allows consumers to buy and sell cannabis products anonymously.

Potcoin provides a banking solution that brings marijuana businesses and consumers together on a decentralized peer-to-peer platform, allowing participants worldwide to make secure transactions.

Many other cannabis-focused coins include CannabisCoin, KushCoin, Bongger, Ganjacoinpro, etc.

Trump coin

It describes itself as a cryptocurrency supporting the Trump administration and its followers, which it calls ‘Patriots’. The Trump coin in a blog post describes itself as staunch “supporters of Trump who love Freedom, God, Family and feel a sense of pride in contributing to society, and stand firm against leftist groups and intimidation.”

Trumpcoin company highlighted that 200,000 of the six million available Trumpcoins assets had been assigned to the Trump administration as a donation once the currency reaches ‘a substantial value’.


Trump Coin’s counterpart: the Putincoin, is named after Russian President Vladimir Putin. This was a decision to develop a cryptocurrency dedicated to Russia and support the fast-growing Russian economy and market within the country and beyond its borders.

Shiba Inu

Shiba Inu (SHIB) is an Ethereum-based cryptocurrency that features a Japanese breed of hunting dog as its mascot. The cryptocurrency is widely considered an alternative to Dogecoin. 

According to Shiba Inu founder Ryoshi, it was nicknamed “the Dogecoin killer” because the value of SHIB is “primed and ready to overtake the value of Dogecoin.”  He adds that even if SHIB never hits $0.01, SHIB’s publicity and utility implies that it will be worth more than Dogecoin.


Garlicoin is a meme coin invented in 2018, based on garlic bread memes. Garlicoin used to be extremely popular but still retains a large community with some loyalists who continue to support and try to expand this coin.

A community of Reddit users believed it would be interesting to start a cryptocurrency inspired by garlic bread — so they did. Garlicoin has a total supply cap of 69 million created by mining.


Mooncoin was created primarily for frequent, global micro-transactions; hence it is a maximum supply of 384 billion coins. The supply number was derived from calculating one coin for every millimeter between Earth and the Moon. 

It’s also got its language, MoonWord, for decentralized app (DApp) coding and blockchain record-keeping.


Don’t be surprised to discover more funny names in the cryptocurrency space. Funny names will remain a strategy that many investors employ to stir interest in their crypto inventions. For them, funny is the best way to make money!

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Source: https://www.cryptopolitan.com/a-compilation-of-the-funniest-crypto-coins-names/