Vitalik Buterin and Sandeep Nailwal to Lead Groundbreaking Decentralized AGI Summit at ETHDenver

The rapid development of artificial general intelligence (AGI) systems has sparked a significant debate over the risks associated with centralized AI. The inaugural Decentralized AGI Summit, scheduled for Monday, February 26th from 3-9 pm MST, aims to address these concerns by bringing together prominent figures in the AI and blockchain sectors.

Notable attendees include Vitalik Buterin, Sandeep Nailwal, Illia Polosukhin, and Sreeram Kannan, who will discuss the potential of decentralized, multi-stakeholder governance models enabled by blockchain technology to foster safer, more transparent, and universally beneficial AGI development.

Sandeep Nailwal, the co-founder of Polygon Labs, highlighted, “The rapid acceleration of centralized AI and its integration into everyday life has led humanity to a crossroads between two future worlds. On the one hand, we have the choice of a Closed World. This world is controlled by a few, closed-source models run by massive mega-corporations. On the other hand, we have the choice of an Open World. In this world, models are default open-source, inference is verifiable, and value flows back to the stakeholders. The Open World is the world we want to live in, but it is only possible by leveraging blockchain to make AI more transparent and just.”

Shaping the Future of AI

The Decentralized AGI Summit, hosted in Denver, is an open and free event for the public, underlining its commitment to inclusivity and widespread community involvement. The summit’s agenda is packed with keynotes from industry luminaries such as Ethereum Foundation’s Vitalik Buterin and Near Foundation’s Illia Polosukhin, covering a range of topics from AI safety research to ethical considerations and governance models for AGI systems.

The event is not only a platform for discussion but also a call to action for collaboration among academic institutions, industry leaders, and the decentralized AI community. It aims to catalyze progress in developing AGI systems that are aligned with ethical standards and the greater good. Sentient, an emerging player in the field, is working on a decentralized AGI platform and exemplifies the summit’s ethos. Comprising Web3 founders, researchers, and academics, Sentient is dedicated to fostering open and trustless AI models.

Symbolic Capital, co-founded by Kenzi Wang and a backer of the summit, represents the intersection of blockchain innovation and investment. The firm’s commitment to supporting leading Web3 projects underscores the summit’s mission to bridge AI and blockchain technologies for a safer and more equitable future.

The Decentralized AGI Summit at ETHDenver is setting the stage for a pivotal discourse on the future of AI, advocating for a paradigm shift towards decentralization to mitigate the threats posed by centralized systems. As these conversations unfold, the summit promises to be a critical stepping stone towards a more open and transparent approach to AGI development.
