Google Constitutes Team for Developing Blockchain Infrastructure

Google Cloud has gone ahead with the formation of a specific blockchain team that will help the organization to come up with a secure blockchain infrastructure for offering an ideal platform for open ledger services. This particular team will assist the clients of the company in conceptualizing and developing new products that are based on blockchain technology and its related platforms. This particular development is important because the San-Francisco-based company is going full steam in making sure that it remains at the forefront of offering cutting-edge technologies, including blockchain-based infrastructure and platforms, to the customers. 

Success might help Google diversify its revenue streams away from advertising and into the booming market for computing and storage services provided by third-party data center

Decentralized apps, which are built without the use of major middlemen, are frequently mentioned by blockchain proponents. DeFi (short for “decentralized finance”), in particular, is a fast-expanding area of the crypto market that attempts to eliminate middlemen, like banks, from typical financial operations such as receiving a loan.

Among the services that this particular new team will be developing for the customers include the storing value and transactions related to the digital asset on the blockchain platforms. The organization is confident that its efforts in providing new-age technology to the ecosystem of the blockchain will prove instrumental in helping the industry and the segment to grow at an enviable pace in the future. This will also be helpful in order to underpin the infrastructure development that is based on the blockchain platform to help transform the industry in the coming times. 

There are many examples of the company which are using the blockchain platforms and have selected the Google cloud platform to go for the scalability, security, and flexibility of this open-ledger-based infrastructure. The team selected for this particular effort will launch a number of long-term initiatives along with short-term measures to make sure that the blockchain ecosystem and digital assets find favor with the customers.
