to offer ‘.blockchain’ domain names to users

Crypto exchange and wallet provider will begin offering “.blockchain” domain names to users powered by Unstoppable Domains, the company said on Friday.

According to the announcement, all 82 million registered users will be able to obtain a free .blockchain domain from the company’s wallet service. These domain names will give users the ability to transact in crypto using human-readable addresses rather than the default long-string alphanumeric wallet addresses.

Human-readable addresses are similar to social media logins and make crypto transactions more accessible to people who might struggle with alphanumeric wallet addresses.

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Delivered daily, straight to your inbox. users will also be able to customize their domain names or purchase more via the Unstoppable Domains service. Each domain name from the platform is a non-fungible token minted on Polygon, an Ethereum Layer 2 network.

“With a .blockchain domain, our users can not only send and receive crypto as easily as they send email, but own their identity in Web3. Our partnership with Unstoppable Domains marks the first custom top level domain (TLD) and gives us a unique way to share the .blockchain name with the millions of users of the Wallet.”

Unstoppable Domains previously partnered with exchange giant Coinbase to offer “.crypto” domain names to the latter’s wallet users.
