A Decentralized and Liquid Exchange

PancakeSwap is a decentralized exchange which is operating on the Binance Smart Chain and allows users to trade different cryptocurrencies and tokenized assets. PancakeSwap is known for its low fees and fast transaction speeds, making it a popular choice among users who want to trade cryptocurrencies without having to go through centralized exchanges.

PancakeSwap innovates quickly and launches new products regularly. In April 2023, PancakeSwap voted to transition to a deflationary token model called “Ultrasound CAKE.” The protocol passed a proposal called CAKE Tokenomics v2.5 to create a structure combining real yield (no supply impact) and reduced token emissions. Over 102% of minted CAKE is burned weekly. This is intended to provide a multi-year runway for emissions and incentivize locking up CAKE, making the token more valuable long-term.

PancakeSwap has an anonymous team of “Chefs,” working in the PancakeSwap “Kitchen.” The platform is open-source and has been audited by multiple reputable blockchain security firms like Peckshield and Slowmist .

Although the bear market has impacted TVL and trading volume for the protocol, PancakeSwap still boasts an annualized revenue of $27 Million, with 42% of CAKE is staked.

Pancake Offerings 

PancakeSwap offers users a range of products, such as an exchange to swap tokens, a yield farm to earn rewards, syrup pools to stake CAKE tokens, Ethereum liquid staking and simple staking, a Pancake Protectors game, a v3 position manager, a prediction market, an Initial Farm Offering token launches, a bridge to bridge CAKE to Ethereum and Aptos, a lottery, and an NFT marketplace. These products enable users to enjoy low fees, high liquidity, and various incentives while trading and staking on the platform. PancakeSwap is also a community-driven project that is governed by its native token, CAKE, which can be used for voting and earning fees.

What is Pancake Swap V3

PancakeSwap V3 offers several new features to improve capital efficiency, lower fees for traders, increase earnings for liquidity providers and enhance the user experience.

PancakeSwap V3 supports capital concentration, allowing liquidity providers to dedicate their capital to specific price ranges instead of dividing it across the entire price range. This concentration of capital where most of the trading activity takes place can provide up to 4000x higher capital efficiency compared to V2, especially for stablecoin pools. As a result, liquidity providers can earn much more fees on the same amount of liquidity.

Traders also benefit from lower trading fees in V3, as there are now 4 tiers of fees: 0.01%, 0.05%, 0.25% and 1% compared to the fixed 0.25% fee in V2. The tiers match the needs of different trading pairs based on expected volatility and trading activity. Concentrating liquidity in active ranges also reduces slippage for traders.

For liquidity providers, the ability to choose fee tiers, customize price ranges, create non-fungible liquidity positions and concentrate capital provides more flexibility and potential to maximize earnings. V3 also introduces active liquidity farming, which rewards users in CAKE tokens when prices fall within the price ranges of their active liquidity positions. Other features include a VIP trading rewards program and position manager for easy single-click deposits.

One of the newest and most innovative features added to PancakeSwap is the Position Manager. It introduces auto-compounding of rewards, meaning all fees and rewards earned by the liquidity position are automatically compounded back into the pool. This exponentially grows a provider’s position over time through the power of compound interest. Additionally, the Position Manager handles gas fees and position rebalancing automatically, minimizing the risk of impermanent loss. Providers can supply liquidity in concentrated price bands to maximize fees from high trading volumes and choose strategies optimized for their risk tolerance.


PancakeSwap is a decentralized exchange that runs on the Binance Smart Chain and offers a range of products and features for users to trade and stake cryptocurrencies in a low-cost, high-liquidity and community-driven platform. PancakeSwap V3 has introduced several new features to improve capital efficiency, lower fees for traders, increase earnings for liquidity providers and enhance the user experience.

Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2023/11/30/pancakeswap-cake-a-decentralized-and-liquid-exchange/