Mystery malware targets Call of Duty cheaters, stealing their Bitcoin

Malware database vx-underground has warned of a new info-stealing malware in cyberspace that is targeting video gamers, especially those who use cheating software.

A new flood of mystery malware has reportedly been targeting video gamers and draining their Bitcoin (BTC) wallets as part of a new info stealer campaign, which also has been targeting cheaters. 

Malware information repository vx-underground said in a March 28 X post it was aware of a “currently unidentified Threat Actor” using malware to steal login and other credentials of those using pay-to-cheat video game software.

The attacks target players, including those who buy cheating software, and have compromised over 4.9 million accounts for Activision Blizzard users and its game store along with accounts for a game-focused trading site Elite PVPers and cheat software markets PhantomOverlay and UnknownCheats.

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