Dogecoin Beats Bitcoin On Reddit Becomes The Most Viewed Subreddit Of 2021

  • Cryptocurrency became the most trendy topic on Reddit this year, with the Crypto word being mentioned more than 6.6 million times.
  • As revealed by Reddit, Dogecoin surpasses Bitcoin in being the most viewed subreddit and stands on top of the most viewed subreddits list.
  • Reddit has been a place where most users interested in crypto come to understand various concepts and stay with the mainstream, with some subreddits acquiring more than 11 million members.

As 2021 ended, Reddit revealed that cryptocurrency acquired the title of being the most viewed topic of 2021, leaving some of the most trendy topics behind, including gaming, sports, and wedding, in the same sequence. The Crypto word has been used more than 6.6 million times over the discussion platform.

Dogecoin Attracts More Users Than Bitcoin!

Another even bigger shock comes from Redditors being far more interested in Dogecoin than Bitcoin. Users over Reddit had a lean towards Dogecoin that made the Dogecoin subreddit stand on the top. The five most visited crypto subreddits included r/dogecoin, r/superstonk, r/cryptocurrency, r/amcstock, and r/bitcoin. The posts related to crypto on Reddit that gained the highest upvotes were about Doge, Tesla getting into Bitcoin, and crypto’s survivorship bias.

Other Subreddits Initiate Support For Crypto Discussions

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From over 500 different crypto-linked subreddits, the most massive growth was recorded by the r/superstonk subreddit this year. The members of the suprestonk subreddit rose by 917% since 2020 acquiring 713,000 users. The subreddit is known to carry discussions related to the traditional stock market, but it has now become a place to discuss topics such as China’s ban on cryptocurrency, Gamestop’s upcoming NFT marketplace, and anti-crypto Citadel CEO Ken Griffin. 

Another famous financial subreddit giant, r/wallstreetbets, recently inverted its track on anti-crypto attitude, letting its users discuss Dogecoin, Ethereum, and Bitcoin. This subreddit was established back in 2012 and now has a community of over 11 million members. Also, the WSB held an incredible rooftop party at Miami Beach during Art Basel and named it, To The Moon NFT Party. This also showcased the subreddit’s shift of mindset and ideology this year.

The interest of Redditors in cryptocurrency isn’t new, however, the year 2021 was record-breaking. Reddit has successfully hosted subreddits that relate to crypto for more than ten years now, but still, the Year in Review that primarily centers on unemployment, pandemic-related problems, and Black Lives Matter, did not give crypto a single mention.

Understanding Reddit

In 2021, as NFTs and cryptocurrencies became more mainstream than ever before, many newcomers and investors have turned to Reddit to educate themselves better and become a part of ongoing discussions. Reddit is an American website that serves social news accumulation, discussions, and content rating. It serves separate spaces for separate discussions called subreddits and is open to all for joining them. Members of subreddits can post links, texts, images, and videos which are then open to others for voting it up or down. Reddit has been a place for doing open discussions, many users profit from these by getting ideas, learning about new concepts, staying with the trend, and much more and would remain for the same.
