Building a Strong Foundation Begins With Bitcoin Spark and Ethereum

For many, it’s clear that cryptocurrency is here to stay. That said, for those wishing to invest, industry experts suggest that building a strong foundation begins with cryptocurrencies like Ethereum (ETH) and Bitcoin Spark (BTCS).

What is Ethereum?

Ethereum is a blockchain platform that was launched in 2015 by Vitalik Buterin. It pioneered the creation of smart contracts, which are self-executing contracts with predefined rules and logic, enabling developers to build decentralized applications (Dapps). Ether (ETH) is the native cryptocurrency of the Ethereum network, used to facilitate transactions and compensate participants who validate them. Ethereum has fostered a dynamic ecosystem with applications in finance, supply chain, gaming, and various other industries, making it a cornerstone in the evolution of blockchain technology.

Will Ethereum go up?

Several factors suggest that Ethereum (ETH) will go up. First, Ethereum’s continued dominance in decentralized finance (DeFi) underscores its fundamental utility and adaptability. Additionally, Ethereum has made significant developments to enhance its scalability and efficiency, such as the transition to a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism. Moreover, institutional interest in Ethereum (ETH), evidenced by the increased partnerships and number of ETH-based ETFs (Exchange-traded Funds), adds another layer of confidence in its long-term potential.

What is Bitcoin Spark?

Bitcoin Spark is a new Satoshi-inspired blockchain that has gained recognition for introducing groundbreaking technologies poised to bring a new generation of crypto transactions while solving the limitations of past blockchains.

The Bitcoin Spark blockchain assures faster and more cost-effective transactions with a combination of features, including a low lock time, high transaction capabilities per block, and a substantially large number of nodes. The blockchain is also built with multiple seamlessly integrated layers to enhance its scalability. Bitcoin Spark will be able to support smart contracts and Dapps with a dedicated layer, which will include separate execution systems that will enable developers to use a range of programming languages, including Vyper, Rust, and Ethereum’s Solidity.

Additionally, Bitcoin Spark uses its own consensus mechanism, positioned as a promising cross of Proof-of-Work (PoW) and Proof-of-Stake (PoS) systems, known as the Proof-of-Process (PoP). The innovative mechanism will reward validators/miners for confirming blocks and contributing their processing power to the network. However, it will exponentially diminish the rewards as additional processing power is provided to create a fairer system. This, coupled with Bitcoin Spark’s massive nodes, will allow for a significantly large number of participants. Aside from making the network’s repository publically available for developers, the Bitcoin Spark team will offer a secure, user-friendly, and lightweight application compatible with popular operating systems, such as iOS, Windows, and Android to further enhance the accessibility of network participation.

The network also introduces groundbreaking decentralized CPU and GPU renting, enabling institutions and individuals to harness the power contributed for remote computing, with payments conducted in BTCS, the network’s native currency. Validators/miners, in turn, receive 97% of the earned revenue in addition to minted BTCS and transaction fees from confirmed blocks.

Moreover, Bitcoin Spark will have unobtrusive advertising slots on its application and website, community-policed for decentralization and security. Advertisers will also pay in BTCS, and network participants will receive 50% of the generated revenue plus additional incentives for their contribution.

Notably, Bitcoin Spark recently entered the last phase of its Initial Coin Offering (ICO), which resulted in the BTCS price increasing to $3.75 and the investor bonus decreasing to 4%.

Will Bitcoin Spark go up?

Several factors suggest Bitcoin Spark (BTCS) will go up. First, the crypto is set to officially launch to the market at $10. Additionally, the Bitcoin Spark network has passed multiple smart contract audits, indicating the sustainability and reliability of its systems. Its ICO has raised more than five million dollars, a testament to the trust and belief in its vision among investors. Moreover, there’s a limited supply of 21 million BTCS coins, which, as seen with Bitcoin (BTC), points to long-term value appreciation. This is especially so when considering that Bitcoin Spark combines that with innovative technology, real-world uses, and a community-centered approach. 


Combining a well-known cryptocurrency like Ethereum (ETH) with a low-cap gem like Bitcoin Spark (BTCS) could be a great strategy to boost profits. Nonetheless, it’s crucial to conduct your own research before making any investment. 

To get more information on Bitcoin Spark:



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