BRICS, Gold, and Bitcoin Set to Challenge US Dollar in 2024

The United States dollar, long serving as the world’s reserve currency, faces intensifying threats in 2024 from economic adversaries and ascendant alternative assets. As faith wavers in the once-mighty greenback, American monetary hegemony shows signs of diminished influence. With challengers circling a dollar weakened by domestic woes, its embattled status seems likely to deteriorate further.

BRICS Building Bulwarks Against Dollar Supremacy

A formidable challenge to the US dollar comes from the BRICS economic alliance between Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. This bloc has openly called for reducing global reliance on America’s currency. Through increased multilateral trade and financial systems denominated in other units, BRICS continues laying the groundwork to undermine the dollar’s status.

ING bank predicts a dollar decline in 2024, “barring huge unexpected risk premia emerging.” But huge risks already loom from BRICS’ active de-dollarization efforts gaining momentum. With numerous countries agreeing to transact more business in alternate currencies, the dollar faces a precarious environment of deteriorating prestige.

Soaring Alternatives Reflect Eroding Trust

Surging interest in non-dollar assets erodes global confidence in America’s monetary stewardship. Bitcoin’s astronomic gains foreshadow an indifferent shift toward decentralized digital currencies pioneered by China’s successful e-CNY. The more mainstream such alternatives become, the more momentum decentralized networks gain in supplanting traditional fiat systems like the USD.

Meanwhile, gold’s meteoric rise over $2,000 per ounce shows investors fleeing to safe havens against inflation, which the dollar has struggled to contain. Bullish predictions have the precious metal reaching new records in 2024. But gold already exceeded former highs back in 2020. As economic unease persists, faith in the dollar is likely to deteriorate.

Between ascendant cryptos and resurgent gold, the pillars supporting the dollar’s global legitimacy seem increasingly wobbly. Stark market shifts into these alternate assets do not bode well for the greenback’s prospects in 2024 and beyond.

Individual Performance Fuels Divergence

Cryptocurrencies –  in the crypto bull run that started around mid-January 2024, the market capitalization has already crossed the $2 Trillion mark. Digital currencies reflect soaring adoption and enthusiasm.

Gold – The precious metal already hit seven-month peaks in late 2023, driven by dovish Fed policy indicating looser money on the horizon. Gold thrives when the dollar and yields decline, as rampant market speculation over potential rate cuts next year demonstrates.

Contrasting Strengths Signal Widening Value Divergence

The robust performance of cryptos and gold highlights a growing disparity with the US dollar. As faith falters in America’s currency, people increasingly turn to alternate stores of value.

While the Fed attempts to project confidence despite economic uncertainty, market behaviors show declining conviction in the dollar’s preeminence. Investors hedging inflation through gold and betting big on Bitcoin’s future paint a stark picture of diverging paths.

Ominous Signs for the Future

Countries are actively reducing dependence on America’s currency. Wealth rushes away from dollars into ascending alternatives like decentralized digital coins and scarce, tangible assets. Inflation runs hot domestically, exporting higher prices abroad.

These ominous trends likely pose a challenge for the US dollar’s prestige in 2024 and beyond. As alternates keep achieving spectacular growth, the dollar risks becoming more isolated. That threatens not only American monetary leadership but also broader diplomatic influence.

For decades, the world revolved around the dollar. But unprecedented economic uncertainty now hangs over America’s currency moving forward.


With formidable challengers attacking its status on all sides, difficult days seem ahead for the greenback. As dominant narrative power shifts toward rivals, practical redundancy creeps into dollar infrastructure overseas. 

Faith no longer remains as firm abroad as in eras past. With each passing year, the weakened currency looks increasingly isolated and irrelevant. 

Yet beyond pride, the dollar’s jeopardized stature could inflict real geopolitical consequences for US agendas if the erosion of monetary leadership fuels withering American exceptionalism. 

So whether threats ultimately materialize from ascendant assets like Bitcoin and gold, scheming alliances like BRICS, or lost legitimacy reflecting economic mismanagement, the increasingly dollar threatens the reserve era. 

Few currencies last forever atop the global hierarchy. But the potential descent now appears more imminent risks of relinquishing unique advantages long claimed by the dollar into history.
