Bitcoin Profitability Soars to 97%, Highest in Over Two Years

  • Bitcoin sees a significant price increase, pushing 97% of BTC addresses into profitability.
  • Over 50 million Bitcoin addresses are now in profit, a peak not seen since November 2021.
  • Experts predict a bullish future for Bitcoin, with price targets for 2024 ranging up to $300,000.

Bitcoin’s remarkable price surge has propelled the majority of BTC addresses into a profit zone not seen in over two years, highlighting the cryptocurrency’s strong market performance and promising future.

Unprecedented Profitability for Bitcoin Holders

Following an impressive rally in the cryptocurrency market, Bitcoin has achieved a notable milestone with 97% of all Bitcoin addresses now reporting profitability. This significant achievement comes as Bitcoin’s price has seen a 19% increase in the past week alone and a 43% increase over the last 30 days. According to IntoTheBlock, a leading crypto on-chain analytics platform, this surge has elevated the number of profitable Bitcoin addresses to 50.62 million, marking the highest level of holder profitability since the crypto asset neared its all-time high in November 2021.

Market Dynamics and Holder Gains

The recent market dynamics have favored long-term Bitcoin holders, with a notable increase in the percentage of profitable addresses from 91% to over 97% in just one month. Despite some investors cashing in on their gains, the overwhelming majority of Bitcoin addresses remain profitable, underscoring a reduced selling pressure in the market. This trend is bolstered by the withdrawal of 69,244 BTC, valued at over $3.6 billion, from crypto exchanges in February, indicating a strong holding mentality among investors.

Sustaining the Upward Trajectory

Bitcoin’s price resurgence, recently surpassing the $60,000 mark and trading at $62,233, has sparked debates on its sustainability and future potential. With the introduction of Spot Bitcoin ETFs and growing mainstream adoption, Bitcoin faces minimal resistance on its upward journey. Currently, only a small fraction of Bitcoin addresses are not yet in profit, demonstrating the widespread gains across the investor spectrum. This optimistic scenario is supported by long-term holders, with 13.6 million Bitcoins being held for over a year, showcasing confidence in the asset’s value retention and growth.

Future Outlook: Bullish Sentiments Prevail

Amidst this bullish market, experts and crypto analysts project a continuation of Bitcoin’s growth trajectory through the rest of 2024 and beyond. With the current bull run gaining momentum, predictions for Bitcoin’s price by the end of the year range ambitiously from $100,000 to as high as $300,000. These forecasts highlight the cryptocurrency’s potential for further appreciation and its established position as a lucrative investment in the digital age.


The current state of Bitcoin profitability reflects a robust and vibrant market, with an overwhelming majority of addresses now in the green. As Bitcoin continues to navigate through minimal market resistance and receives bolstered support from institutional and long-term investments, the outlook remains highly optimistic. Investors are encouraged to keep an eye on market trends and potential corrections, but the overarching sentiment in the crypto community is one of confidence in Bitcoin’s ongoing and future success.

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