Bitcoin Logo Celebrates 14 Years: Evolution from Satoshi’s Original to Iconic Orange Symbol

  • Bitcoin’s recognizable logo, a white “B” on an orange circle, marks its 14th anniversary, showcasing the cryptocurrency’s evolution.
  • The logo has undergone several iterations from its original design by the pseudonymous creator, Satoshi Nakamoto.
  • “14 years ago today, Satoshi Nakamoto uploaded the second iteration of the Bitcoin logo. 8 months later, gold turned orange.” – Binance

This article explores the fascinating journey of the Bitcoin logo from its inception to the contemporary iconic orange emblem, reflecting the innovation and growth of the world’s first cryptocurrency.

The Origins and Evolution of the Bitcoin Logo

The original Bitcoin logo, designed by Satoshi Nakamoto, featured a gold coin with “BC” inscribed at its center, a far cry from the modern symbol we recognize today. The logo’s transformation began on February 24, 2010, when Satoshi introduced a new version, asking the community, “New icons, what do you think? Better than the old one?” This iteration retained the gold color but introduced the now-familiar double vertical strokes on the “B,” setting it apart from the Thai baht symbol.

A Shift to Orange: The Modern Bitcoin Emblem

In November 2010, a pivotal change occurred when a user named Bitboy (not the YouTuber) proposed a new design based on Satoshi’s last update. This version replaced the gold with a vibrant orange circle and tilted the “B” symbol 14% clockwise, giving the logo a fresh, modern look. The Bitcoin community widely accepted this redesign, which has since become the official symbol of Bitcoin, freely usable by anyone thanks to its public domain status.

Satoshi Nakamoto’s Legacy and The Logo’s Impact

Despite Bitcoin’s ascent to global prominence and the widespread recognition of its logo, the true identity of its creator, Satoshi Nakamoto, remains one of the cryptocurrency world’s most enduring mysteries. Recent revelations, such as the publication of 120 pages of email conversations between Nakamoto and his earliest collaborator, Martti Malmi, shed light on Bitcoin’s formative years but leave Nakamoto’s identity speculative.


The evolution of the Bitcoin logo from a simple gold coin to its current iconic orange emblem mirrors the cryptocurrency’s journey from an obscure digital project to a global financial phenomenon. As Bitcoin continues to influence the financial world, the logo stands as a testament to its enduring legacy and the mystery of Satoshi Nakamoto, whose vision gave birth to the cryptocurrency revolution.

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