Bitcoin Halving and Global Mining Shift: Ethiopia Emerges as Crypto Hub

  • The Bitcoin halving could significantly remodel the global cryptocurrency mining landscape.
  • Bloomberg reports that US miners are preparing to decommission and export thousands of older mining rigs.
  • Ethiopia is rapidly becoming a sought-after destination for miners seeking lower electricity costs.

Discover how the upcoming Bitcoin halving is fueling a strategic exodus of US-based miners, why Ethiopia is rising as a crypto mining powerhouse, and what this means for the future of Bitcoin.

The Bitcoin Halving: Catalyst for Change

The Bitcoin halving in 2024 will slash miner block rewards by 50%, impacting profitability. This built-in scarcity mechanism underpins Bitcoin’s value proposition. Older mining machines may become obsolete in higher-cost US markets, prompting a global relocation of equipment.

Miners Seek Refuge in Low-Cost Energy Zones

Electricity Prices Worldwide

US miners like SunnySide Digital are refurbishing older machines for sale to countries like Ethiopia, Tanzania, and Paraguay. Publicly traded miners face pressure to optimize efficiency. Bloomberg reports a potential exodus of 600,000 S19 series machines from the US.

Ethiopia’s Rise as a Bitcoin Mining Haven

Ethiopia’s low-cost energy and favorable investment climate draw miners. Forbes highlights a $250 million deal between the Ethiopian government and West Data Group to build cutting-edge mining infrastructure. With Africa’s data center market booming, Ethiopia aims for regional leadership.

Challenges and Opportunities of Overseas Operations

US miners relocating equipment face risks like transport damage and logistical hurdles. However, the potential for drastically reduced energy costs outweighs these concerns for many. Some miners physically relocate operations, while others keep older machines in strategic storage.

Pre-Halving Upgrade Cycle and Market Impact

Bloomberg notes that preparations for the halving have been underway for years, with public mining companies investing heavily in new equipment. This dynamic, coupled with equipment relocation, could have profound implications for the Bitcoin market and the evolving global mining industry.


The Bitcoin halving is a pivotal event with far-reaching consequences. The search for affordable energy is reshaping the mining landscape, with countries like Ethiopia playing an increasingly important role, offering the potential for increased economic growth, technological advancement, and innovation within the evolving world of cryptocurrency.

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