Singaporean healthcare services firm Zuellig Pharma: Uses a blockchain network to fight against COVID-19

  • Zuellig Pharma, a Singaporean healthcare services firm, is tracking COVID-19 vaccines using a blockchain-based network to prevent practitioners from providing outdated vaccines.
  • The SAP blockchain is being used by Zuellig Pharma’s eZTracker software to track and validate COVID-19 vaccines.
  • Zuellig Pharma claims that their new “eZTracker” management system, which allows clients to instantaneously verify the origins.

SAP blockchain to track COVID-19 vaccines

Zuellig Pharma claims that their new “eZTracker” management system, which allows clients to instantaneously verify the origins and validity of their vaccinations through a mobile app, can help avoid the use of poorly stored or counterfeit vaccines.

To increase supply chain transparency, eZTracker leverages the SAP blockchain to gather, track, and trace numerous data points. The following is how it works, according to the eZTracker website:

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“Simply scan the QR code on the package to swiftly determine whether your goods came from an approved distributor.”

“Patients may scan the 2D data matrix on the product packaging with its blockchain-powered app to confirm critical product information like expiry date, temperature, and origin,” Laverick explained.

The SAP Blockchain operates as a Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS), allowing customers to create customized blockchain extensions for their existing applications. According to SAP, one of their systems touches 77 percent of the world’s transaction income.

Zuellig collaborated with the pharmaceutical firm MSD in 2020 to implement eQTrakcer in Hong Kong, where it was used to track vaccinations for the Human Papillomavirus, Gardasil.

“As the vaccinations go through multiple supply chain handover points, the items’ data points are placed into eZTracker’s encrypted blockchain ledger, ensuring it cannot be tampered with,” Laverick stated.

“Users such as healthcare professionals and patients may verify the legality of the vaccination by scanning a unique data matrix code on the product pack.”

One of the major healthcare service provider organizations in Asia

Zuellig, which was founded 100 years ago, is one of Asia’s leading healthcare service provider firms. Zuellig also has a product called eZVax, which provides end-to-end vaccination management to governments, local health authorities, and the business sector.

According to a United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime study, counterfeit medications cost between $520 million and $2.6 billion in Southeast Asia each year.
