Zaradar Takes Center Stage in Terra Classic L1 Team Proposal Controversy

Tobias Andersen again finds himself at the center of controversy.

Tobias Andersen, popularly known as Zaradar, is often seen as a controversial figure within the Terra Classic community. As highlighted in previous reports, his stance that Allnodes controlling a significant portion of the network’s voting power was a non-issue drove a wedge between him and influential community members, ultimately pushing Notional Labs’ Jacob Gadikian out of the Joint Layer 1 Task Force. However, some community members have also questioned Gadiakian’s motives.

Andersen, a core developer on the blockchain, has again found himself at the center of drama within the community as the JL1TF’s proposal for funding in Q2 has raised concerns. Notably, while the latest budget proposal is below that for Q1, some community members have asserted that the proposal is unclear. In contrast, others have questioned the salary increments, with some alleging that Andersen, who receives the highest pay as the only full-time developer, contributes the least to the team.

In light of these concerns, community influencers claim to have reached out to Andersen. However, per recent tweets, they appear to have been rebuffed and even blocked.

Meanwhile, in a Twitter thread yesterday, the developer said he would not negotiate the proposed budget.

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In messages to The Crypto Basic over LinkedIn, the developer maintained this view, adding, “I do not negotiate with grifters, liars, and thieves.” The developer urged community members to review his GitHub logs and YouTube videos before forming an opinion.

“There is a reason I blocked out all the noise, and if what people were [were] saying about me was true, I can guarantee you that the police would be knocking on my door right now,” Andersen added, declining to speak further on the matter.

Meanwhile, his view does not appear to be the overarching opinion within the JL1TF, as a team member told The Crypto Basic that he believed the proposal needed “refinement.” It is unclear if this refers to a revaluation of salaries or the proposal’s wording, as the source has since failed to respond to requests for further comments.

According to the team’s project manager, the recent disputes come even though the JL1TF met all its Q1 goals under budget.

TerracVita, on the issue, said: “…We may vote ‘no’ ourselves and allow the L1 team time to refine their proposal.”

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